Monday, January 28, 2008

My first time...and a plan comes together

Got your attention, didn't I?

Over the weekend, I became aware that a local Crossfit affiliate was having a free, open workout to attract new clients. I juggled my schedule and got myself over to the place, which was only minutes away from my house. It turned out that only myself and one other individual showed up. We went through technique for a variety of lifts, such as deadlifts, overhead squats, the jerk, clean, and snatch. After some practice and warmup, we did a Crossfit workout consisting of 21-15-9 reps of one arm dumbbell snatches (21-15-9 each arm), and knees to elbows, followed by a 65 yard sprint each round. Great workout! It was the first time I worked a Crossfit workout with a certified Crossfit trainer at a Crossfit facility. It was great! Unfortunately, they're having some scheduling conflicts with the facility, so i don't know whether I'll be able to go there much at all. Time will tell.

I've given some additional thought to my post last week about my goals and plans for this year. I'm going to take the next one to two months and maintain my current BFL style workouts, adding an occasional Crossfit workout into the mix. However, I will spend 30-60 minutes every week working on some of the Olympic lifts until I have proper form committed to memory. Once I feel that I've mastered these techniques, I'm moving over to Crossfit entirely for the most part. I will add some sort of chest routine to the Crossfit workouts, because I'm not ready to give them up entirely. I want to hit the 300 lb mark on the bench by the end of 2008. I can always revert back or increase food intake if I feel like I'm growing too lean on Crossfit. I still have a goal of moving entirely off of BP meds, and if anything can get me there, Crossfit can!

Now that I have a framework for what I'd like to do, I'm going to lay it down on paper so I make sure I have a detailed plan on how to get where I want to be.


WpgGirl said...

It's great when a plan comes together isn't it. Good luck with that. And a great goal to get off your meds - something awesome to work for besides all the physical/emotional benefits you get from working out/pushing & challenging yourself!

Katie said...

Got my attention... lol