Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I think I subconsciously choose my metcon workouts by selecting those things that I can most easily handle. Human nature, I guess, but I'll never fix my weaknesses like this. It's why I'm going onto a modified Crossfit program in January. I'll have no choice but to follow the WOD and not leave my workouts to personal choice.


Katie said...

Hey fella! I saw your reply to my comments (from October! You thought your blog was neglected! Ha!) I haven't been updating my blog, but intend to start doing so again. Facebook is a little too intrusive for me (people contacting me that I haven't see in 20 years and they look like they've spent a good portion of that time in prison - and probably have).

What are you up to? What is Metcon?

I've been training once a week with a personal trainer. He's a former bodybuilding champion and
I really like him. He's doing the continuous movement-type workouts with me. They kill me!

Well, I hope you're doing well, and if you're around, pop over... Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Hey Katie! I'm doing fine. I get the Facebook thing. It's why I use an alias and don't really post pictures there. Metcon is metabolic conditioning. Call it cardio on steroids.

I hope all is well with you, and I'll keep an eye out for you. Happy New Year back at you!