Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Just after the previous post, I started tracking my workouts and nutrition on an online notebook site. It has all of the benefits of this place, but without the public forum. I guess the public forum isn't really necessary since I have no readers anyway! It's unlikely I'll write here any more.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Fit test today

I performed a fit test to try to calculate my maximum heart rate, which came out to 175. This is pretty close to the aged based formula of 170, but makes little sense compared to my ability to have a decent running pace of 165 on Saturday. I did the test on a treadmill incline, so maybe a heart rate of 165 on an incline isn't equivalent to a HR of 165 when running on a flat surface. I certainly was more winded running on the incline. I did some sprints after the test for a little extra kick to the workout.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Strength plus Metcon

Strength plus metcon

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Bench 3x5 Working sets
Chin-ups 3 sets to failure, kipping
Dips with 25lb weight, 3 sets of 10

Raised weight on the squats this week.

It may be time to reset on the bench and the overhead presses. I couldn't hit the 5 reps. The problem may be mental, but even so, I'm still reaching that reset point anyway.


For time, 21-15-9 reps of

135 lb Deadlifts
24 inch box jump


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Running for metcon

Ran 2.32 miles in 20 minutes. That is an 8:37 pace.

Started with a warm up of about 4 minutes in a 135 heart rate zone. Sped up to about 145-155. Finished with a big part of the run around 165, which seems to be a good zone right now.

In the future, should warm up and then run 20 minutes in the 165 zone.

The age based formula would put my maximum heart rate at 170. This is clearly too low and isn't accurate for me.

To do: Research method for calculating maximum heart rate and calculate mine.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Strength plus metcon

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Pullups-Kipping 3 sets to failure
Overhead Press 3x5 Working sets

Very difficult day today. Failed to hit target reps on bench and overheads.

Two 4 minute Tabata sets

First set burpee pullups

Second set jumping jacks

2 sets 20 pushups

10 strict pullups on squat rack beam

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Rest day today

Lot's of DOMS in my legs, especially the posterior chain. I'll give these old bones a day off today.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Strength Day

Front squats, 3x5 working sets
Deadlifts 5x1 working sets, PR set on rep 4. Attempted to add 20 lbs for set 5, failed. Dropped 10 pounds, failed. Still, a PR is a PR, right?
Power cleans 5x3 working sets

I was struggling with not using my arms to pull in the cleans. I haven't done them heavier for a while. I think I need to drop weight and work back with good form.

No metcon today. It was a heavy day, and I figured I'd leave it at that.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Running day

I received my heart rate monitor, but need to toy with the settings before using it. I ran on the treadmill today, first running two miles in 16:50, which is a bit better than last week. I can do better.

I then alternated one minute of sprint running with one minute of walking for the next 8 minutes. I started one more interval, and felt a bit uncomfortable on the treadmill so I hopped off. It felt like the belt was slipping a bit or something, and I didn't want to end up flying across the gym.

I'm planning on using the monitor for an outside run on Saturday.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Strength day plus metcon

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Chins-strict 3 sets to failure with 25lb dumbbell
Overhead Press 3x5 Working sets
Dips: 3 sets to failure weighted with 25lb dumbbell

Raised weight on squats. Form is very good on squats, going very deep. Overloaded the bar on bench and failed in my first set, hitting the pins on the way up on rep 3. Dumb of me. Overhead presses were challenging today.

Two 4 minute Tabata sets

First set jumping pullups

Second set air squats

Saturday, June 6, 2009


I ran outside pain free today. about 2+ miles in 18 minutes. Then I did a bunch of sprint/walk intervals. I'm looking forward the the heart rate monitor.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Strength day

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Pullups-strict 3 sets to failure
3 sets to failure, 1st weighted with 35lb dumbbell, 2nd & 3rd 40 lb dumbbell

Ran out of time for metcon

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Rest day rambling

I'm in need of finding a bunch of primal eating/paleo recipes. I really want to greatly reduce the amount of grains that I'm eating, and I'm having a tough time figuring out how to assemble complete meals without them. The damned things are such an insidious part of our diets it's ridiculous. I'm confident that I'll be able to easily shave 15 pounds of fat off my body in no time if I stop eating that crap. It looks like I have some homework to do, huh? Fuck yes. I need to give myself an ass spanking and get my nutrition righted. Enough is enough!

Rest day today. I've hit my workouts hard this week. My calve is a bite sore, but in the DOMS way, not the pulled muscle way. That's fine. I'll do the walk home again tonight like I did last week. I think the second day off each week will do me good.

I've been happy with the way my strength is progressing for the most part. That being said, I am bit impatient. Until I hit certain strength levels, I don't want to revert to Crossfit only workouts. I want to do both, but that just isn't I'll keep on going with the strength workouts and the metcon as I'm doing it until I've reached my strength goals.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Strength plus metcon

Front squats, 3x5 working sets
Deadlifts 1x5 working set
Overhead Press 3x5 Working sets

For time, 21-15-9 reps of

35lb dumbbell swing
95 lb hang power clean


Grip was giving way on the cleans

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Running day

My running was in two parts today. First, I ran 2 miles in a little under 18 minutes, which is a miserable pace for me. That being said, I was able to run pain free, so that is progress. After that, I alternated 1 minute sprints with 1 minute of walking, going approximately 1.2 miles. Running a relatively steady pace is strange to me. I've been running intervals for the past three years, even when I run a 5k. It makes the run seem as if it goes on forever when I'm running steady pace. I'm looking forward to receiving the heart rate monitor. At a minimum, it will keep my mind occupied a bit during steady pace runs, at least for a while. I'm pretty confident that I'll be able to improve my running pretty quickly, and the monitor will help me get there. I'm still planning on hitting some sprints at the end of every jog. They work far too well for me to give them up.

I need to run

I've been on and off with my running for a long time now. Trying to do metcon work on strength days gives me the opportunity to do running on what would have been just metcon days...without feeling guilty like I'm not doing challenging enough metcon work.

I want to work on getting my running up to speed. I've ordered a heart rate monitor to help me in my quest. While I think the monitor would have little usefulness if I'm sprinting or doing a serious CF metcon, I think it will be helpful for normal running/jogging and perhaps rowing. By trying to keep my heart rate within a particular zone, I would no longer have to worry about pacing my run outside. As my running fitness improves, theoretically I will run faster and longer in the same amount of time by just staying within a certain heart rate zone. That will take care of the pacing for me, and I can track my progress over time. I'd like to maybe even enter a couple 5k runs later on this summer. I've never done something like that before. It could be fun.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Strength day with metcon

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Chins-strict 3 sets to failure
Dips: 3 sets to failure weighted with 25lb dumbbell

Raised weight on squats and bench.

Two 4 minute Tabata sets

First set burpees

Second set jumping pullups

I'm fried.