Saturday, May 30, 2009


I ran 2.25 miles in 20 minutes today. I'm happy that I was finally able to run pain free, but not so happy with my pace. That is painfully slow!

But I ran!

I'll be working on getting my running up to speed.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Strength day

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Pull-ups-strict 3 sets to failure
Overhead Press 3x5 Working sets
Dips: 3 sets to failure, 1st weighted with 35lb dumbbell, 2nd & 3rd 40 lb dumbbell

I raised the weight on the overheads today.

Metcon tomorrow.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Rest day today

I made sure I didn't bring any gym clothes with me...because I don't trust myself!

I've hit legs hard three days in a row, and I know I should rest them today. My plan is to walk home later, which is low intensity and should be fine.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Strength plus metcon

Front squats, 3x5 working sets
Deadlifts 1x5 working set
Farmers walk, 3 sets to failure carrying a pair of 70 lb dumbbells


First four minutes: Tabata Jumping Jacks

Second four minutes: Tabata Box Jumps, 24 inch box

I've been very leg centric this week. Tomorrow is a rest day. If the weather permits, I'll walk home, but no lifting or high intensity.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Strength day

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Chins-kipping 3 sets to failure
Dips: 3 sets to failure weighted with 25lb dumbbell

Quick, efficient workout. Bumped squat weight up.

Monday, May 25, 2009


Due to limited equipment, I made today a metcon workout instead of a strength workout. I did The Bear complex again, for five rounds of five reps. As prescribed, I should have done seven reps per round. Next time. This one is...well...a bear. It involves your body completely from top to bottom. It really is amazing how you run smack into a wall somewhere in the middle of each round. It seems so simple and easy on paper...until you do it. Damned good workout. One rep is:

Power clean into a
front squat followed by a
push press into a
back squat into a
push press

and begin next rep

Friday, May 22, 2009

Strength day

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Pullups-strict 3 sets to failure
Chins-kipping 1 set to failure
Dips: 3 sets to failure, 1st weighted with 35lb dumbbell, 2nd & 3rd 40 lb dumbbell

Tomorrow and Sunday will be rest days. I'm sore all over and badly in need of a couple days off.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Metcon day

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

5 Hang Power Cleans (95#)

10 Knees to Elbows

15 Kettlebell Swings (35#)

I did eight rounds plus the cleans and 2 K2Es in the ninth round.

I did the K2E's on the top bar of a power rack, making them much harder than if I used a pullup bar. It actually messed up the workout, because with my fingers resting on top of the frames instead of around it, my grip started giving out. I was still winded, but not as much as I would have been if my grip held up longer. Damned good workout anyway.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Strength day plus metcon


Front squats, 3x5 working sets
Deadlifts 1x5 working set
Overhead Press, 3x5 working sets


Tabata set of dumbbell swings

Tabata set of burpees

I'm liking the idea of finishing strength workouts with metcon work. It gives me an extra metcon edge. I've been considering having two rest days a week instead of just one. Adding metcon on strength days will give me the peace of mind to do that, and my body gets an extra recovery day. I don't seem to recover as fast at 51 than I did at 21. Go figure.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I rowed a 5k today in around 21 minutes. I'm not sure of the exact time. I screwed up and reset the machine part of the way through.

Good workout.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Strength day plus metcon

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Chins-kipping 3 sets to failure
Dips: 3 sets to failure weighted with 25lb dumbbell

10 reps
Hang power clean into a
front squat followed by a
push press into a
back squat into a
push press

and begin next rep

This is more commonly known as The Bear complex, though I did screw it up a bit. They should have been power cleans, not hang power cleans. No matter. It was a good burst at the end of a workout. Of course, this is quite a bit less than the five rounds of seven reps the bear calls for. Maybe another time.

I reset my squats back about 15% from where I was as I planned to do. I did much better on the bench today than I did last week.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


I decided to try to run again, and after about six minutes I felt the calve and Achilles tendon pull a bit, so I stopped and walked back home. Dammit. I'd really like to be able to get some 5k runs in. I guess I can't force the issue anymore. No running until this thing is healed.

I did two sets of Tabatas. The first was air squats, the second was burpees alternated with jumping pullups. At least I got in some metcon work, despite pulling up lame on the run.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Metcon workout, CF style

I've been pretty lousy about hitting my metcons of late. Today, I decided it was time to step up to the plate.

5 rounds for time of:
1.5 x B/W Deadlift, 10 reps (I used 135lbs, which was just too light. I probably should have gone close to bodyweight)
Box Jump, 21 reps, 24 inch box

My time was 15:11

I did some situps and knees to elbows afterwords for a little extra zing.

I was panting like a dog, but I'm really happy I did this one. I need to get back on board with this type of metcon work.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Strength day

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Pull-ups-strict 3 sets to failure
Overhead Press 3x5 Working sets

Dips: 3 sets to failure, no weight
Chins: 5 reps

I'm rolling back on squats next week. I seem to have lost my mojo on them. It may all be in my head, but I just didn't feel comfortable going down into a deep squat. If the head doesn't believe, the body won't either. Time for a reset on those squats. I'll work my way back and jump over this hurdle. What's a few more weeks among friends, right?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

No workout today

I'm a bit unhappy about it, but circumstances are screwing me over today. I'm thinking I may do some Tabata squats and whatnot tonight, but I'm still pissed about not being able to hit my front squats and deadlifts today. It's not a's not a race. I just need to keep on telling myself that.

Screw it. I'm still grumpy about it!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Metcon day

With the calve feeling about 90%, I decided to give running a try. I was about four minutes in when I could feel the calve going again, so I pulled up. I jumped onto the stationary bike and rode that for twenty minutes, splitting one minute hill intervals with one minute flat intervals. When I was finished, I tried the treadmill again. I wanted to at least try a couple sprints. The leg just isn't ready yet. Hopefully another few days will do it.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Strength Day

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Weighted Overhead Squat 1x9
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Chins-kipping 3 sets to failure
Overhead Press 3x5 Working sets
Dips: 3 sets to failure weighted with 25lb dumbbell

I raised weight on the bench, but I did miss a rep on my second and third sets, which I made up after a brief rest. I knew last Thursday that I was ready to go up in weight...but it didn't show today. Perhaps my eating the past three days affected me more than I thought it would. Not that my eating was all that bad. I just ate too little, or should I say too infrequently. It may be time to roll back the weight 10-15% on the squats and work back up again, raising the weight each week. I've been struggling and stuck at this weight for a couple weeks right now. It isn't a race...I can take my time and take a step back so I can move forward. Well...I'll wait until Friday and see what happens then. If I still struggle, I'll roll back.

A few days off

I'm back from a well deserved three days rest today. I was starting to feel a bit run down last week. I was sore all over, and I knew my body needed a bit of for once I listened. In fact, I spent a fair amount of time on Friday laying around. I really needed that in the worst possible way. I do not do that anywhere near often enough.

Anyway, I kept the rest going through the weekend, and today I'm ready to hit the iron again. I'm hopeful I'll be able to run a bit tomorrow.

More later.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Strength day

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Pullups-Strict, then finish the sets kipping, 3 sets to failure
Dips: 3 sets to failure, all sets weighted with 40lbs

It's amazing how I can really feel soreness in my abs from doing the front squats yesterday. I've read that about them...and it certainly seems to be true.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Strength Day

Front squats, 3x5 working sets
Deadlifts 1x5 working set
Overhead Press, 3x5 working sets
Farmers walk, 3 sets to failure carrying a pair of 70 lb dumbbells

I raised the weight this week on the deads and the presses.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Metcon day

I decided to row today, mostly because the calve is still tight and sore. I decided to see how far I could row in twenty minutes, alternating 250m sprints with 250m slower recovery periods. I started with a 500m warmup, then moved right into the first 250m sprint. I had the damper setting on 1 for the first ten minutes, and moved it up to ten for the last 10 minutes. I hit 4,560m at the twenty minute mark. That seems a bit slower than my best 5k row time, but I usually have the damper set at a 10 for the entire 5k, so it's hard to compare.

Good workout anyway. I'm glad I didn't let the calve pain turn into an excuse.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Strength day

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Weighted Overhead Squat 1x5
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Chins-Strict, then finish the sets kipping, 3 sets to failure
Dips: 3 sets to failure, all sets weighted with 25lbs

My squat form was sloppy as hell. My right calve is still stiff, and my body was countering by trying to force more effort onto my left leg. Of course, I keep my weight on my heels while squatting, but the damned calve still objected. I got through the workout anyway, but I didn't do any Tabata metcon stuff after lifting.

I did not feel very strong today. I actually think I've eaten too little over the past several days, and not always quality food. How I perform really is affected by what I eat!


Saturday I ran about 1.5 miles at a bit over an 8 minute pace using the POSE method...or at least trying to. I ran in my Chucks. I had to stop because my calve cramped the fuck up. It still hurts several days later. I need to loosen it up. I've read that could happen while learning POSE until your calves are accustomed to bearing the brunt of your footfalls. Okay. Now I'd like that chapter finished so I can move on. Thank you.

I also did two Tabata rounds. The first was squats, and the second was 35lb kettle bell swings. Those were a lot tougher than I thought they'd be.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Strength Day

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Weighted Overhead Squat 1x5
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Pullups-Strict 3 sets to failure
Overhead Press 3x5 Working sets
Dips: 3 sets to failure 1st & second set 35 lb weighted, 3rd set 40 lb weighted

I was wiped at the end of this workout, so I didn't do any Tabata stuff today. I need to catch up on a bit of sleep this weekend if I can.