Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Legs are spent

Warmup, Six sets of squats, five sets of deadlifts, five sets of weighted walking lunges (I'm really growing to HATE them). Good leg workout. I was looking forward to this one all week. I finished off the workout with a set of Tabata Burpees, just to make sure I emptied the tank properly. I really have a love/hate relationship with burpees.

Over the past week or so, I've observed several different people working deads with terrible form. The old rounded back thing has been prevalent around these parts. I've been getting more and more tempted to interrupt and help them out, but I've resisted the urge. If I start there, where do I stop? Half squats? Presses coming only half way down? Extraneous nose hair?

Maybe better to keep my mouth shut and do my thing.

I think I'm really going to rest next week. Really. If I can't take a week off, then I've got a problem. Right? Yeah. I know. But I don't have to like it.

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