Friday, July 18, 2008

Today was one of those days

that my schedule was nuts and I easily could have blown off my workout. Well, it's never really easy, because I spend a few days being irritated about it. Anyway, I juggled things up and got the strength workout in. I did some kips for my pullups today. Man, they are a lot easier than dead hang, non-kipping pulls for sure. At the end of my workout, I did a Tabata set of cleans into a push press with a 95lb load alternated with mountain climbers. That was fun.

My eating has been very clean this week, and was pretty good last week. I can already see the positive effects of the cleaner eating on my body. I need to remember that. It also may be adding those Tabatas too. They fire up my metabolism for sure.

I caught a glance of myself in the mirror while drying off today. I nearly did a double take. (And no...I'm not posting pictures!) It is amazing to me the way my lower body has changed. From my calves, through my thighs, hips, glutes and into the abdominal area...I look powerful. Well, at least compared to how I used to look. It's the ass to the grass squats, the deadlifts, the lunges and stepups and the olympic lifts. Leg presses will never have the same effect. I've got a long way to go, but it is clear that this is working, and working well. And I know how you look is not the same as how you perform, but it is an indicator that you may be moving in the right direction.

Okay...I had a bunch of other stuff I wanted to blabber about, but I have no time. Next week.


Diarist said...

Its amazing how quicky crossfit improves our physique.

I read in my original inspiration that the reported had done crossfit in LA for 10 weeks and kept his bodyfat below 10%.

He may have been talking crud to be honest, but I thought 'yup..just what I'm looking for'.

Katie said...

That's a solid weight for a clean and press. Nice work. CrossFit produces results. It's a great feeling isn't it?