Monday, April 21, 2008

At what magic point

does your body go from being sick to getting over being sick? Is there a moment when all of the cold virus has been killed and your white blood cells are carting the corpses away through the mucous membranes? Are a large part of the virus organisms dead and the remaining ones being overrun by the defensive cells of the body? At this point, I wouldn't say I was sick, but I am "recovering". If I try running, my respiratory system is still affected by the remnants of the cold, and I perform accordingly. I'm just curious.

Anyway, I had a rather sedentary weekend, and I was feeling quite sluggish all morning. I attributed a lot of it to the aforementioned "recovering" nonsense. I didn't know how well my UBWO would go today, but I went anyway. I had a great workout, and I feel one hundred percent better. My breathing is clearer, my body has awakened, and I feel human again. I know some of it was the cold, but if I lay dormant, my body does not like it. Not one bit. Of course, there are those days here and there when I'm happy to make an exception.

For Shoulders today, I did a CF WOD from yesterday:

Shoulder press 3-3-3-3-3 reps

It's funny. I did this with no shoulder pain at all. In fact, when I work out, the shoulder feels great. It's only later on that it hurts. I'll see how I feel later.

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