Friday, May 2, 2008

Grinding it out

I was struggling with my UBWO today. It was heavy day on chest/back/shoulders. I'm either starting to hit a wall on chest, or a combination of eating at 75% and sleeping too little is catching up to me. All in all, I had a good workout, but would have liked it to be better.

Today's CF WOD is Murph:

For time:
1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run

I was very tempted to do this one. I looked at my times from Angie last week, and estimated my workout time for Murph. The pullups took me 10:10. The pushups on Angie took me 5:45 for 100, so at best that would be 11:30 for 200. The Angie squats took me 5:14 for 100, so I assumed a time of 15:42 for those. I figure the miles to go 6:30 each. That would give me a total Murph time of 50:20 with no transition time between activities. Add a chest and shoulder workout to that, and I'm into overkill big time. I'll reserve Murph for another time.

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