Wednesday, May 28, 2008

To get what you've never had...

you've got to do what you've never done. I thought about that statement while I was working out yesterday. Since I've been back from vacation, my weightlifting workouts have been moderately heavy, but I haven't been pushing for progress. I'm treading water a bit right now until I finish developing my workout plan.

There is a section of Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength that talks about programing. I'm reading the entire book, and then I'll use that section to develop a lifting program that will push me and help me grow stronger. Once I have that plan, I'll tie Crossfit workouts around it, and mix in some biking/swimming/running for good measure. I've been a bit preoccupied, so it's taking me a bit longer than I had hoped. I want the strength, and I want the metabolic conditioning that CF provides too.

To get what you've never've got to do what you've never done.

We should all remember that every time we work out. It's very true. I've made significant gains on the bench since the beginning of the year by having a plan and challenging myself each and every workout. That being said, I may have underestimated the role that taking an occasional rest plays. I need to keep that in mind in the future.

I was working squats today, and I was working hard on my form. Ripptoe suggests that we imaging a chain hanging from the ceiling and pulling straight up from our tailbone when we come out of the hole on squats. It helps us maintain proper position, and allows the hips to extend before engaging the quads. Damned if he isn't right. It was much easier to maintain proper posture and come right out of the hole. I rewarded myself with some deadlifts too.

Nutrition....damn...I need to stop writing and start acting. I give myself a C on nutrition over the past few days. Enough of that.


Kelly said...

I need to remember that when im next doing squats.

Arrggghh, nutrition is driving me crazy, i agree im missing protein out, and i need it to keep and build muscle. Everyday i hope to get better.

I love that quote, its time to get uncomfortable and push hard !

WpgGirl said...

Uncomfortable....and push hard.....Yup...sounds good!