Thursday, March 27, 2008


I ran my 5k in 22:35 today, beating my best time by one second!!! I thought I missed it by five, so I'm thrilled...kinda. I felt myslef losing it over the last three or four minutes. I tried to make a push at the end, but had little left in the tank. I'll settle for my time, and try to do better next week.

Second almost? I think I saw a six pack almost trying to poke it's head out of my midsection today. I've seen the muscles before under a layer of fat...but this is the first time it really looked six packish. Still have a way to go, but I was shocked!

1 comment:

WpgGirl said...


2 huge successes Bob. That's awesome.

I thought i saw some ab action on myself is shocking isn't it!

Hard work = pays off.

how's your eating been?

keep at it!