Thursday, March 13, 2008

I read an interesting article the other day

It discussed placebos that had been used in various medical trials. The more expensive the placebo was, the better it worked. The conclusion of the study was that the mind and your belief in something plays a huge role in the outcome.

It's interesting how this applies to a BFL lifestyle. It really shows that a positive outlook, visualization, and determination really can propel you forward towards your goals. Likewise, convincing yourself you will struggle and fail will much more likely make it so.

There is also a direct connection to the supplements so many BFLers gobble up like candy. I can't tell you how often I've read people saying they can lift more now that they are on creatine, or recover better on glutamine, or blah blah. How much of that is in their head? How much does the belief that these things work actually make them work harder and lift more just because they believe?

The only real way to measure these things would be to administer these substances to people without their knowledge....without them knowing they were getting anything at all. Not that you could do something like that...but if you could, I think you'd see that the supps might not do much at all.

Anyway...second time this week I hit a record 5k. Today was 22:36, 11 seconds faster than Tuesday. Wow. If I shave 11 seconds every week, I'll be at a 20:30 5k in twelve weeks! Yeah, right. But it does show that you need to really focus on challenging youself. I guess I've been a bit of a slacker with my running.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

That is an awesome time for your 5k.

I totally agree with you that positive thinking does go along way into you being successful.

Mindset is a powerful thing.