Thursday, May 22, 2008


It was two years ago today when I began my first BFL challenge. I have made significant progress, and I've altered my workouts a bit to skew more towards Crossfit than BFL. I presently enjoy much improved health and fitness over when I started this journey.

All that being said, it is important to note that I need to remain vigilant. I looked at my stats from a year ago, and realized that I'm almost 16 pounds heavier and my BP is a bit worse than it was this time last year. Those sixteen pounds include some additional muscle for sure. Most of the damage in terms of bodyfat has really occured during the week I was on least 5.5 pounds to be more exact. I've known that I was adding a bit of fat while trying to add some muscle. I do need to be more careful with my eating. It is critical not only in terms of avoiding foods, but more so in providing the nutrition I need to build and run my body.

I did the Crossfit Workout Michael today, thanks to a suggestion I received from a BFL friend. It is:

Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups

I made the mistake of not looking at my total time, speed, and splits from my last Michael beforehand. I should have known I was going too slow when I felt fine during and after my first 800m. My speed should have been 1 mph faster than I ran for each of the runs. I finished with a mediocre 25:39, which is a couple minutes slower than my last Michael. I tacked on a half mile run to the end just because. Yes, I was wiped, but yes...I could have done better.


WpgGirl said...

Kelly, you and I are all blogging about the same thing these days. Nutrition. It's SOOOO important isn't it.

We're on the right track.

Kelly said...

Diana, yes we are !!! We know how hard we are working out, and now its time to take it up a notch.

Bob, it is always very hard to find the balance when trying to gain, you have to eat a lot more but also be very careful not to eat the wrong things. You are doing so well, dont be hard on yourself. Plus what you gained while on holiday is a temporary gain due to the excess salt, alcohol etc. A few days of eating right and getting the water in and you will be down again.

Remember that it isnt what you weigh but how you look and feel. Weight alone does not give you a true indication of how healthy you are.

Look at your times for your runs, the progess you are making you should be proud because i know i am proud of you.

I was chuffed to see you doing Michael, he isnt very nice, but i know i always feel awesome when ive finished!

Sorry for long post.

Brian said...

Michael is a tough workout. My back is stiff for days after I do it.

I'm with you on the nutrition thing. I need to tighten it up a bit. Time to buy a bunch of green leafy vegetables.