Monday, January 7, 2008

POSE running

I've stumbled into some literature about the POSE running method. Basically, you allow gravity to do a lot of the work as you run. Proper POSE running is described as "controlled falling". The last couple of times I ran on the street, I tried to utilize the technique. I was able to hit it for about five minutes each time, and it was amazing. Controlled falling is a perfect description. I felt as if I could run faster and longer. It felt right. Now I need to practice that and hit it every time. I'm not sure it's possible to do on a treadmill, but I've been trying.

1 comment:

sjjjjj said...

Been running "POSE" on a treadmill for a while...having a mirror that can be looked into when running on the treadmill will help you see your form compared to what is taught. Also when I increase the speed on the treadmill and keep the correct POSE form (mainly leaning, with my feet below me)my effort seems very minimal!