Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I should have goals, shouldn't I?

I have a strength plan in place. I have a metcon plan in place as well.

I'm going to put a lot of focus on my lower body. This has been my weakest area. I read something the other day about how weak the posterior chain is on most Americans. The same can be said for trunk strength. It's true. I'm going to gradually and consistently build strength by performing proper back squats, front squats, overhead squats, deadlifts, and an assortment of Olympic lifts. Yes...I will continue bench press and overhead press and dips and pullups and chins....but I am going to focus quite a bit on getting my core strength and posterior chain where it should be.

I have a core group of exercises, and will raise the weight every one-two weeks while maintaining proper form. This is a bastardized form of Ripptoe's Starting Strength program. I'm curious to see how far I can go. Stay tuned....

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