Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I love/hate pullups

I'm beginning to wonder whether it's the pullups that are beating the hell out of this old body of mine. I've got the shoulder thing going on, and I also have bicep pain all the time these days as well. I'm trying to stay away from kipping pulls because they put additional stress on the joints. I don't know.

The good news is that my lats are wider, thicker and stronger than they have ever been. If I do a few sets of curls, I'm able to use heavier weight than ever before. While the pullups may be hurting me, they are building me up too. I hate the thought of laying off them for a while. I don't want to lose what I've gained.

Maybe I need to rest a bit more. I do two UBWO each week, and one LBWO. Maybe I should go back to the BFL splits of two one week and one the next. I need to think a bit.

Anyway, I had a strong UBWO today. I needed it!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Its funny that you blogged about this yesterday, its exactly what i blogged about today.

Kipping does take a toll on your ligaments, they say if you feel pain STOP!!! Maybe try regular pull ups, or jumping ones to mix things up. Even the modified ones where you go under an olympic bar and your feet are on the ground.