Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Rubber legs

Good squat day today. I didn't do any deadlifts, since my back is still reminding me that it's a bit tender. My favorite new leg exercise is weighted walking lunges. Holy mackerel! Those things are deadly! I was very pleased with my LBWO today. So much so that I decided to do a four minute Tabata interval using air squats at the end of my workout. I totalled 93 squats, and had a lot of difficulty walking afterwords. Tabata squats after a LBWO = Hobble. Torture = Fun. My only complaint is that my legs were so spent, I was only barely gasping for breath during the four minutes. I'm used to being nearly unable to breathe when doing these. Perhaps squats on leg day weren't the best choice, huh?


WpgGirl said...

What's a tabata?

You & your rubber legs rock! :)

Anonymous said...

Tabata is the name of a Japanese researcher who discovered an interesting way to increase both anaerobic and aerobic pathways at the same time. It's one of those strange training programs that seems to fit across disciplines: it's excellent for bicyclists, speed skaters, Olympic lifters, or the person looking to lose fat quickly.

This training method is so simple, yet so incredibly difficult, that athletes tend to try it once, acknowledge its greatness, and then vow to never speak its name again. What is it? It's simple: take one exercise and perform it in the following manner:

1) For twenty seconds, do as many repetitions as possible.

2) Rest for ten seconds

3) Repeat seven more times!