Thursday, August 28, 2008

I sure got some running in today

Today was my annual company picnic. I decided not to work out today, because I knew that I'd be sprinting, moving, jumping, stretching and throwing all day. We started out with a two hour football game, had a bite to eat, and progressed onto softball. Doing something like this, you see exactly how training has a positive effect on performance. It's a lot more fun playing when you're in shape than not. And yeah. I'm a bit sore....and I earned it!

If I can only convince my boss to do this every week!


Diarist said...

That sounds like a fun day with your colleagues.

My fellow workers are practicing dance moves for the christmas party...ah well.

They did ask me once to do an exercise class for them..they have not asked again.

Katie said...

Yay for fun days! Perhaps you could convince your boss to start a CF class at work. ;)

I also read your other posts this week (I'm trying to catch up here... :P) Don't feel bad about not being 100% CF. I know LOTS of people who dabble with CF but do other things. Jerry's blog (not my trainer but the other Jerry) is great for this because he was sick of CF stuff. Also, Tami does a lot of other things too. Great people, still making progress, just doing other things they enjoy. So, don't sweat it. :)

As for the weights, my dearest, you need to stop worrying about how much you are lifting. Sure it feels great to lift heavy, but the reality is, if you try to do these things without good form, the potential for injury is huge. If you do happen to injure yourself, you're then going to be set back on your path completely because you will have to take appropriate time to heal. Keep working on the form, don't worry about the weights... and keep visiting me! :)

Just a BFLer said...

I'm more mad at myself about the weight I'm using than anything else. You can work hard and have a good workout, or you can challenge the hell out of yourself. I need to start doing the latter. I added a substantial amount to my bench press by just following a plan of progression. I need to do that on squats, deads and overheads. Yes...I have to maintain form, and I will. I just need to do what I need to do. Enough pampering myself.

and I'm visiting...I'm visiting!

Katie said...

Well... you'd better just keep visiting! :)

As the turtle says... slow but steady... slow and steady...