Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Failed Michael

For today's workout, I chose to do a Crossfit workout named Michael.

Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups

My record time for Michael is 23:42. I was on about a 27:00 minute pace in my second round when I started getting some dizziness near the end of the back extensions. The dizziness continued while I was doing the sit ups, so I stopped at the point. I did run the last half mile, but I wasn't happy. Every once in a while, I have an issue with my inner ear that causes some dizziness like this. It usually occurs when I get some sinus congestion from a cold or hay fever, and do something like the back extensions. Anyway, I was quite displeased that i had to pull up and stop....and even more displeased that my pace was so far off my PR.

I know I've been more focused on strength training and that I've gained weight. The combination of those two things has adversely affected my runs. The strength training isn't going to change for now. I'm making gains and want that to continue. The weighht...that i need to work on. It's all in the diet. I need to stop saying I need to fix it, and just fix it already!

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