Monday, April 6, 2009

Strength Day Thoughts

First-the workout:

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Weighted Overhead Squat 1x5
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Chins-Kipping 4 sets to failure
Dips: 3 sets of 10, 1st with no weight, second with an extra 20lbs, third an extra 25lbs

I worked hard today. Good workout!

One of the things I love about Crossfit style workouts and exercises is that they expose your weaknesses. Not strong enough? Too little flexibility or mobility? Muscle imbalances? Not as metabolically fit as you'd like? All will be exposed.

I have wasted countless hours in gyms over the years working on exercises that have limited value to my overall strength, cardiovascular capacity, health and well being. I used to be really impressed with my ability to curl a barbell or do some nice heavy "(quarter or half) squats" or leg presses. Today, I don't worry about bicep or tricep work. They get more than enough work from the compound movements I perform. Normal gym routines and equipment give you what I like to call gym strength. Take the leg press for example. I've seen people do leg presses with fairly high weight in the gym. Load up a third of that weight on a barbell and stick them underneath it, and they would literally be crushed. What's the point? You create muscle imbalances and ignore all of the core structural muscles....and're not going to take care of that balancing a tray on a bosu ball.

Take overhead squats as an example. I struggle with them. I sit at a desk all day long. I need more flexibility in my posterior chain. Sitting like that doesn't help my posture either. When you work the overheads, all of this is immediately apparent. Understanding your weaknesses is the first step to making them strengths. Thank you, Crossfit, for showing the way.

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