Monday, June 16, 2008

I find it hard to believe

that I used to run in the mornings. I've done it twice recently, today included. It's hard getting a body going that was in a peaceful slumber minutes prior to starting. I get winded way too easily. I ran a BFL style HIIT cardio today, and I felt like I could barely hang on. I wasn't pushing the speed or anything. It was just tough going. Perhaps I haven't been running my 5k often enough anymore. Running the sprints is great, but you don't run for 20+ consecutive minutes doing them. I don't know. Maybe I should add some sprints after my HIIT. I'll see.

I'm not talking about my eating this past weekend. Enough said.

My back is still a little tweaked. I did crunches for abs for the first time in ages.

The untimely death of newscaster Tim Russert once again hammers home the message we should all hear. I keep this quote close to me at all times:

To a great extent, the health problems experienced by the members of the ridiculous culture in which we live are self-inflicted. They are result of the reluctance of the bulk of the population to do anything that is either physically hard or something that they don’t want to do. People seem to have acquired the idea that they have the inalienable right to stroll through life without having sweated, picked up anything heavy, worked hard, or eaten less than they wanted at every meal. This approach is, of course, wrong. And it has resulted in a lot of expensive, unattractive, and entirely preventable problems amongst people who seem puzzled about why things aren’t going well.--Mark Rippetoe

You can be sure the family of Tim Russert wishes he did as well.


Kelly said...

When you run in the morning, your body doesnt have as much "FUEL' in it compared to running after 2-4 meals.

If i don't go straight to the gym in the morning i can find a number of excuses to not get it done.

WpgGirl said...

who's Tim Russert?

WpgGirl said...

Things are tougher in the makes my whole day better when i'm able to walk or jog lightly outside 1st thing. I love it!