Monday, August 4, 2008

Holiday time is over

I kept my promise to myself and didn't do any weightlifting at all for the ten days I was away. In fact, I didn't do any formal workouts at all. I did bike, swim, kayak, row, run, play a little softball and a round of golf, do some isometric martial arts kinda stuff, and chase a bunch of kids around all week. My shoulder feels better and my forearms feel better, though they are still a bit touchy. I actually thought about taking another two weeks off from lifting any weight at all. I would love to start with a clean slate and fully recovered. However, the fact that I ate and drank my way to a 2578653977 pound weight gain in ten days is weighing heavily on my mind...pun intended. I swear that the bar bill was more than a lot of people spend on an entire vacation!

One word on the running...I hit a little nubber during the softball game (actually, I hit a few....and it couldn't have been more frustrating! I just couldn't hold back long enough to keep from swinging early until my last AB), and found that I flew (for me, anyway) up the first base line. Those Tabata sprints do a body good, don't they?

I decided to do a very light workout today. I did bench press, barbell rows and presses, using about 60-65% of my normal five rep workout weight. Five sets of ten reps each. It was enough to say hello to my body, but not so much that I put any strain on myself at all. In fact, I didn't break a drop of sweat. Really. I actually didn't even shower before I went back to work. I'll go very easy over the next two weeks then gradually start challenging myself again.


Kelly said...

Welcome back Bob, i missed reading your blog.

Diarist said...

We seem to be back at the same time!

I did very little on my trip other than swim and play with kids (my own I hasten to add).

Got back into the gym today for some punishment.

Katie said...

Aha... so Kelly has revealed your true self... Bob.... :P

Glad to see you're back from vaca. Tabata anything really does a body good you know! :)

WpgGirl said...

Hi Bob!

Sounds like vacation was fun! Also sounds like you're being smart with your body.

Good to see you back


Jlo said...

Hi Bob....Glad you had a great Vacation.....sounded a blast.

Good luck, with your training program.

Just a BFLer said... secret identity is revealed. Who knows...maybe some day I'll actually post a picture for those of you that have never seen me!