Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Munch munch chew chew

That was an interesting experiment. I had a reasonable dinner last night, and a good breakfast this morning. For the most part, I had a fairly easy time of going an entire day without eating. I actually feel more alert than usual today. Maybe it's just my imagination.

In response to Wigan, this kind of fasting is quite different that what those anorexic girls might do. If you read about the primal blueprint, you get an idea of what it's all about. Theoretically, throughout history, our bodies have gone through periods of fasting due to lack of food. By fasting on occasion, we are behaving as our bodies evolved. We teach our bodies to better draw upon fat reserves for energy. It's an interesting concept. I think I'm going to try it for a while and see what happens. I certainly won't starve to death if I don't eat for one or two days each week. If I find my performance begins to falter badly, I'll know it doesn't work for me. If I get more lean and muscular and maintain or increase my performance, I'll know I'm onto something.

Anyway, I'll be working my legs today. Another light day.

I'm getting a bit frustrated over the past couple of days. My shoulder is feeling great. I'll have to be careful to bring it back slowly. However, that forearm tenderness/tendinitis is still there. I'm staying away from pullups entirely for now...and that is irritating the hell out of me. How long do I have to rest, dammit? On one hand, i tell myself to push through. On the other hand, going through the rest of my life with pain in my forearms every time I do a curling movement is a bit unacceptable, no? Grrrrrrr.


Katie said...

Andrea (the girl in the video) has dabbled with intermitant fasting and it seemed to work well for her. I can't speak for her, but based on the few bits and pieces I have caught, it seemed to work for her. After Zoning for so long though, I'm leery of skipping meals on purpose.

As for the arms, I know not pushing can be frustrating. You just want to get out there and get at it. But, like you said, you need to keep in mind the long term affects of something like that. Slow and steady is the way to go... just keep thinking about the turtle. He had the right idea, and you know what... eventually he won. It may take awhile but you'll get back there.

Diarist said...

I like food a great deal. Lifes too short to go without!

But good luck to you!

Brian said...

I've been fasting every Thursday now for the last month or so. For me it's religious reasons, but the same thing holds true for both of us - no food for a day.

I've been struggling with energy levels and working out. So far I've taken my off day on my fast day, feeling that I'm too drained to work out. I find the whole thing to be pretty difficult - fasting is hard for me at least.

Good luck!