Monday, May 19, 2008

Back in the saddle again

After a ten day layoff, I got back into the gym today for some upper body work. I expected to feel weak, but my body surprised me. I felt strong, and although it was a short workout to get started again, I pushed some heavy weight. I guess taking a week of rest once in a while really does make some sense. Of course, that doesn't excuse eating like a slob, which is pretty much what I did on vacation. I'm not overly bothered by it, except for the couple of times that I indulged in a treat that just wasn't very good. If I'm going to eat something I shouldn't, I damned well want it to be sinfully enjoyable. If it isn't, why bother?

This will be "light" week for me, and next week I'll push hard again.


WpgGirl said...

Hey Bob!

Good to have you back again!

Brian said...

Welcome back!

I've done the same thing on vacation before - I go to a buffet or something, load up my plate with something that looks good, only to find out it doesn't taste all that great - then eat it all anyway.