Monday, September 8, 2008

Day one of program

I may have to make a few small adjustments to the routine I posted this morning. While I understand the importance of warmup, the reps/sets/weights of the warmup seem almost useless to me. I'll need to adjust accordingly.

That being said, I need to have faith that this program is going to allow me to gain strength in a somewhat linear fashion. I did fewer heavy sets and reps than I have been doing. Hopefully, that is what will allow me to raise the weight week after week. If I burn myself up getting to working sets, I may not be able to do that. We'll see. how it goes.

I need to watch my squat form. I feel like my knees are coming a bit too far forward. I need to focus on hip drive. I'm a bit concerned that my posterior chain is too tight to maintain proper form while I increase the weight. I'll need to watch this closely.

I'm a bit spent today. It is a fasting day. This is the first one in weeks that has me feeling like this. Of course, my eating was garbage yesterday, and featured a bit too much sugar. I'll have to make note of how I feel the next time I do that. Not that I'm planning it or anything!


Diarist said...

So, where did you get your workout from? Did you create it yourself?

Are you using it to build your strength up?

Heh...I like the surprises in store with crossfit!

Anonymous said...

It's a variation of a Starting Strength program that I tinkered with just a bit. I will be using it to build my strength. Once I'm happy with my strength level, I'll move to all Crossfit. I figure that point will be a reasonable time on Linda without scaling. With a bodyweight of about 200 lbs, Linda is a bit of a challenge for me right now.