Monday, February 25, 2008

Assessment time

I have been making very good progress on my upper body workouts lately. I'm pushing the weights higher and working towards my goal of hitting 300lbs on the bench by the end of the year. That's the good news. The bad news is that I've been neglecting my legs, and, to a lesser degree, my cardio. Since I've been hitting UB twice a week, I've only been hitting lower body once a week. It's hard to build any momentum with a once a week workout. To make matters worse, in most weeks I'm only hitting abs once a week, unless I do a Crossfit workout on cardio day that has some ab work. If I miss a workout, it is likely to be a cardio workout, and it is showing in my performance. My eating has been far from perfect, and far from horrible. So-so. Needs improvement. If I had to give my self a grade, I'd go with a C+, or a B- if I was feeling really generous. That is just not acceptable.

I need to make sure I hit legs at least twice a week, and I really need to focus harder on my cardio work. The food...yeah. Play time is over.

I know I deserve a bit of butt kicking from my old teammates. C'mon guys and gals. Step up and let it rip. I deserve it!

1 comment:

WpgGirl said...

Hey Bob....

Congrats on your progress with your upper's great that you are on target. what do we say about the eating? We say.....let's GO SLACKER! Remember HOW IMPORTANT eating is. It's the Fuel.....blah blah....but seriously.....tighten that up and your performance will be that much better! whip whip....

that's all I got :)

You still inspire me :)