Friday, February 29, 2008

Much better week

All in all, this week was the best one I've had in quite a while. My food has been very clean, and my workouts have all been intense and focused. Over the weekend, I'd like to spend some time putting together some specific goals for my weightlifting, similar to what I've done for my bench presses. Those goals will include projected weight to be used. If I don't do that, I run the risk of getting comfortable with what I'm doing and not moving forward. I plan on doing the same thing for my running. I'm about in the same place that I was in a year ago with my runs. If I had a plan to gradually increase my average speed, I'm certain that I would have made some significant gains. Lacking that plan allows me to stick with the same old same old, meaning stagnation. I work to hard to stay in the same place over the course of a year. It's time to shake things up!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Good for you, it always helps to have a plan. At least you know you are heading in the right direction.

Too often we pick up the same weight where we really are capable of picking up the next one. We just get comfortable.

With your running even a slight increase like .1mph each time over a few weeks will add to a good distance being added on, that is how i got my sprints to 12 mph.

Cant wait to see what your plan is next week.