Monday, March 24, 2008

Exactly HOW big is your hand?

I've probably added about 7-8 pounds of fat since I was at my leanest. Part of me hasn't been overly concerned, because I am trying to add muscle mass and I want to make sure I don't shortchange myself on nutrition. But part of me does care, because I can see fat that wasn't there nine months ago....and that's how it starts. When I reflect on what the issue is, I really think it comes down to portion sizes. I've not been as careful as I should be, and that starts adding up after a while. I'm giving myself another month, and then I'm going to get very strict. I'd like to be leaned out by the end of July.

I've given some thought to entering and official challenge, but I don't thing I will. BFL is first and foremost a bodybuilding competition. I'm more concerned about health and performance than pure asthetics. Even so, I'm pretty convinced I could win in my category...except that I just will not shave my body and do that whole oiling up thing. I have no desire. Show me one male BFL champion that didn't. The judges would toss me out because of it, no matter how amazing my progress. It's marketing, folks. And a somewhat hairy guy just isn't going to look right in their marketing materials. That could be a mistake on their part. The message of the ordinary guy succeeding and all that. But I just don't see it happening. I'll win in my own book, which is the one I really care about anyway.

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