Thursday, March 6, 2008

I listened to my body

and dismounted the treadmill today when I felt that twinge running from my groin into my lower abs on one side. Keep your mind out of the gutter! ;-)

I got on the bike and had a good ride instead. That didn't give me any discomfort at all. I walked for a few minutes on the treadmill afterwords, and did five minutes on the Concept 2 rower too. I don't feel like I get as good a cardio workout on the bike as I do running. My legs burn too much before I get that complete cardio exhaustion....but I do feel other benefits from riding. I can really feel the muscles all through my legs when I ride. It's a different kind of conditioning than running. It's a balance. Anyway, I figure I'm better off doing this than getting laid up and doing nothing, right?

I'll have to figure out what to do with the shoulder too. I guess. If I have to....

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Good for you for listening to your body.

Having an injury sucks.

I know what you mean, the other pieces of cardio just dont give me the same fatigue as running, i always feel that i need to do more after riding the bike, or eliptical.