Sunday, March 16, 2008

Going nowhere slow

After running 1.1 miles as a warmup, I did some Tabata sprint intervals today. I ran eight intervals of :

Twenty seconds sprinting followed by ten seconds of jogging.

I finished up with another mile jog and two sets of 100 situps for speed.

One thing I really noticed is how slow I’ve gotten. Even with lifting weights, biking, swimming and jogging, my sprints are pretty pathetic. I realized that I rarely have cause to sprint any more. Even when I’m playing with my kids, I don’t sprint. They’re little kids. I don’t really HAVE to…and besides…if we’re playing tag, I have to let them catch me, right? When my older kids come over, we may throw a football around, but the lawn has a limited amount of usable space that doesn’t really allow you to get up any speed.

I’m anxious for the warm weather to come. I’m going to add once a week sprint training to my routine. It will have a tremendous positive effect on my cardiovascular fitness, and will help in all areas of my fitness.

I also need to hit my abs at least three times a week. I’ve been hitting them at most twice a week, and sometimes only once. That isn’t nearly enough.

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