Tuesday, June 10, 2008

UBWO and Tabata Intervals

I had a very good UBWO today, even though I felt a bit weak today. No matter. I pushed myself through and I earned my stripes.

At the end of the workout, I did two, four minute Tabata cycles for my abs. I've done Tabata sprints before, but I'd not really done it with other types of exercises. CF does have "Tabata this" workout, but I never really put it together before. One of my old Tracker buddies wrote about Bodybot the other day. From what I can see, it appears that the Bodybot workouts are really Tabata intervals. The idea is you do twenty seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest. You repeat these cycles with one or more exercises until you finish four minutes.

I did four different ab exercises today in the two four minute rounds (K2E, situps, bicylcles and mountain climbers). I'm going to make sure I add one or two of these to the end of every weight training workout. I think they will help me tremendously in my met-con work, and they will help fire up my metabolism too. I had a lot of fun with it, if you consider torture fun!

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