Thursday, April 24, 2008

Angie, angie, aint it good to be alive?

Today's workout was special. I did my normal heavy chest and shoulder workout, and instead of doing my normal back, I did the Crossfit WOD. It's a fun little number called Angie. She goes like this:

For time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats

Pullups 10:10
Pushups 5:45
Situps 5:02
Squats 5:14 Total time including transition was 28:11. Not a great time, but not too bad for my first Angie.

The squats were extra fun after the leg workout yesterday. The pullups were a bit of a bear, and my lats and biceps were on fire by the end. The pushups would have been much easier on a non-chest day. I wish I had still done some dips after Angie. I'll do some ring dips on Saturday.


Brian said...

NICE! I saw "Angie" pop up at the other day. I'm a few days behind their schedule, so I'll hit this workout next week, but I can't help but be afraid of the pull-ups. I know I can do the other stuff, but 100 pull-ups just sounds like an impossible feat. Guess I'll have to prove myself wrong.

Brian said...

A follow-up. I did "Angie" yesterday, and wow, I'm still not recovered.

Took me ~45 minutes to get through it, too. What a workout.