Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Running hard, hard running

The Crossfit WOD today was to run a 5K, which is what I had planned too. Perfect.

What wasn't perfect was the way I struggled....mightily...when I ran that 5k. Did I really lose that much not running for a week and a half? Is it the remnants of my cold clogging up my respiratory system? Is it the spring pollen in the air? Did I just get lazy? My 5k time was 24:26, and it damned near killed me running it. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.

I tacked some abs on after for good measure. No 5k on Thursday. I'm going to run some 400m and 800m sprints. Saturday, I'm going to run some short Tabata sprints too. I need to get back to where I should be.

1 comment:

Brian said...

Man, (especially running) some days I feel great and some days I feel like I've got a 50 lb weight vest on. You did the workout and pushed yourself hard - that's what counts.