Tuesday, April 15, 2008

It was one of those days

That I found myself running along on the treadmill, thinking...why the hell do I do this?

Fortunately, these days are few and far between. Today's workout:

Four rounds, each for time of:
800 meter run

Rest as needed between efforts.

I did it on the treadmill at a 1.0 incline.

My times were:

I "rested" 2 minutes between the runs by walking at 4mph.

After the last 800m, I walked for two minutes, and ran one more half mile at 7.5mph.

I also did a rather long, painful ab workout along with a bunch of sets of back extensions.

I'm glad I stuck with it today!


Brian said...

I HATE 800's. They're just short enough that you run them pretty hard, and just long enough that the last 200 meters or so just hurts.

I linked to your blog from mine, by the way. Not that you'll get a ton of traffic, haha. Hope you don't mind. If so, just let me know.

- Brian

Kelly said...

Another grueling workout !

Wow, how did you manage to keep walking in between, i have to collapse after each 800!! haha

Kelly said...

p.s. Good for you for pushing through the negative thoughts!