Monday, April 14, 2008

Planning time

I was asked by one of my readers why I haven't yet made the complete switch over to Crossfit. There are several reasons for this. The first is that I don't feel like I've mastered the Olympic lifts enough yet to feel comfortable moving to the CF workouts entirely. I am planning on working Mark Ripptoes Starting Strength program first. Of course, I will still add some of the CF workouts to what I'm doing. I love the met-con aspects of the CF workouts. Those workouts are much more taxing than simply running or rowing.

Once I've gotten to where I should be in terms of strength and my ability to perform certain lifts, then I'll need to decide if I go 100%. I've got a bit of a shoulder issue. I'm really wondering if 100% CF may cause me to suffer injuries due to the repetitive stress of some of the high rep movements. I hate using age as an excuse, but I'm not eighteen. My recovery times are not what they used to be. I'll see how I feel at that point, and proceed accordingly. Either way, I will participate in a lot of the CF workouts. I'll keep on working them in as I deem them to fit.

Speaking of CF, the WOD on Saturday was a 10k run. I got myself some new running shoes, and tried them out yesterday with the intention of running a 10k. I've never run that distance before. I was running at a fairly moderate pace, and finished a 5k in 25 minutes. My calve was knotting up a bit, so I decided to shut it down rather than rick screwing myself up. I wish I would have known I was only going for a 5k. I would have run faster.

UBWO today. I'll add the CF WOD:

Hang power clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Loads were 115-115-135-135-135-135-135. Not heavy, but I really tried good form. I think I did okay. I felt a little weak today in my lifting, especially on the bench. I didn't really eat enough this weekend, so I'm not surprised.



Kelly said...

I agree working on form is much more important that lifting heavy weights. We do not need to get ourselves injured.

Brian said...

I've read tons of really good things about Starting Strength. I'm curious to see how you'll like it.

Keep up the good work. Speaking of power cleans - I was doing the clean and jerk WOD in the "globo gym" the other day. Some guy asked me why the heck I was doing clean and jerk - kinda acted like I was crazy to do them. I kinda like the weird looks I get when I'm doing these workouts.