Monday, April 7, 2008

May have to give in...

Saturday, I attempted to run a 5k outside. I was fast for the first 2.2 miles, running at about a 21 5k minute pace. About a third of the way into the last .9 miles, I hit a wall. I slowed to a walk, ran again, then walked a bit more. I ended up crossing the 5k line at around 25 minutes. That was a huge disappointment, especially considering how fast I had been going for the first two thirds of the run. I was talking to someone the other day about the difference between the treadmill and the road. He pointed out that you can't just stop on the treadmill. You have to slow it down or turn it off. When you're running outside, your legs can stop in a split second if your mind sends the message. No time to argue with yourself. I'm angry I listened. I won't allow myself to do that again. I fried my abs afterwords as punishment.

Other business...the shoulder is hurting a bit more the last week or two. I've decided to do only light weight and high reps for my shoulder work for the next month. I go on vacation in about a month, and I may shut it down entirley for a week. I've been working out for almost two years, and I really haven't had any downtime other than a very occassional missed workout. It wouldn't kill me to take a week off to rest, would it? Maybe some light jogging. Right? Somebody tell me yes! It's probably time. I just find it a bit annoying, because it really seems as if I'm making some dramatic progress lately. Laying off will surely bring it to a halt.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

A week off may just be what your body needs, it is very easy to overtrain.

I say do it, but make sure that it is only a week, its easy to let it slip for longer.

Dont be hard on yourself for the slower time, real running and treadmill running are very different, i am always faster on a treadmill. Outside there are many factors to take into account, the weather, the incline, what you are running on (road, grass, gravel).