Thursday, September 18, 2008

Metcon day

Saw this one on the CF site and did it today. It was scaled to something a bit more realistic:

For time:
Overhead walking lunges, 45 lb bar, 50 feet
21 Burpees

Five rounds

I scaled it to:
Overhead walking lunges, 18 lb bar, 50 feet
21 Burpees
Overhead walking lunges, 18 lb bar, 50 feet
15 Burpees
Overhead walking lunges, 18 lb bar, 50 feet
9 Burpees
Overhead walking lunges, 18 lb bar, 50 feet
9 Burpees
Overhead walking lunges, 18 lb bar, 50 feet
9 Burpees

Time was 13:16

When I finished, I walked for ten minutes on the treadmill on a 15% incline. I moved around within the 3.5-4mph range.

1. Overhead squats/lunges are a weak point for me. It's probably a core strength issue. I need to work on them on a regular basis to build up that lower back/core strength.
2. Crossfit style metcon requires a greater degree of cardiovascular fitness than jogging. It is the equivalent of running sprints, but with a strength element added in. The good thing about not being able to run is that I've been forced to learn this lesson. I need to make sure i worl this style of metcon at least three times a week.

Today was supposed to have been a fasting day. I made it until 2pm, so instead of the normal 21-22 hour fast, I shut it down at 17 hours. Too little sleep, too hard a workout. Needed food.

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