Monday, September 8, 2008

Stupid machine photo Number 1

Just for fun, I'm going to occasionaly post a picture of a ridiculous piece of equipment that resides on the floor of the gym I go to. This is a really good one.

Why would anyone want to perform a rowing exercise on something like this? For one, if you use really heavy weight, your chest is getting crushed by your own weight plus the weight you have loaded up on the machine. Your lower back does nothing at all....which means it isn't getting any stronger. Why would you want to do that? This is perfect example of silly isolation machines at most gyms. Most gym goers have no need for isolation movements.

I'll write that again.

Most gym goers have no need for isolation movements.

I'd even say that beginning bodybuilders should focus on compound movements first....for quite some time. Until you have put on a significant amount of muscle mass, you will be wasting your time with isolation movements.


A said...

I told my trainer that we should this piece of equipment "The Boob Squisher" ... and the name stuck! I simply avoid it.

Diarist said...

Inspiring post!

I'm going to show some of my gyms insane and pointless equipment too..

You've been my muse today!

Kelly said...

BOB you are funny and right on.

Flan love the name boob squisher!