Monday, September 15, 2008

Start of second week

Week B

Day 1
Squat 3x5 Working sets
Press 3x5 working sets
Chin-ups: 3 sets to failure, unweighted, dead hang, 7-5-5

I barely feel like I even had a workout today, even though I did everything as prescribed and added five pounds to last weeks weights.

This just seems like I'm starting too light, and I'm worried I'm going to go backwards. I need to have faith, especially since I'll be trying to do more CF style metcon on non-strength days. That will be a lot more taxing than just running three times a week, though I will do some running. Soon enough, I'll be pushing my limits. Right now, I'm trying to work about 60 seconds between sets. As I reach limits, I'll add to rest time so I can still hit the target number of reps.

If this doesn't work as intended, I can always roll out a different program.

I'm fasting today. I'm hungry. Pennance for the weekend, I guess.

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