Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I think I subconsciously choose my metcon workouts by selecting those things that I can most easily handle. Human nature, I guess, but I'll never fix my weaknesses like this. It's why I'm going onto a modified Crossfit program in January. I'll have no choice but to follow the WOD and not leave my workouts to personal choice.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Chocolate Decadence

A cake, Ice cream, raspberry sauce and whipped cream dessert that is shared...and is like the size of a shoebox. Does that sound primal to you? Holy crap. That wasn't a really great idea in the least! Hey. At least I didn't eat any bread or pasta, right?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Gone Primal

I've gone primal...with the horrific exception of the July 4th weekend...but I won't talk about that debacle. What I will say is that I feel very good, and I've shaved almost five pounds of fat in a couple of weeks effortlessly...even with the unspoken debacle stuck in the middle of it.

I've been trying to eat like this:

Eat lots of animals, insects and plants.

This is the basic description of everything our ancestors ate to get the protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phenols, fiber, water and other nutrients necessary to sustain life. But it was a huge list of individual foods – some anthropologists say it may have been 200 or 300 food choices at a time depending upon the geographic area. The net result was a dietary “breakdown” of fat, protein and carbohydrate that was far different from what Conventional Wisdom considers optimum today. This diet provided all the necessary fuel and building blocks that, along with specific exercise, prompted their genes to create strong muscles, enabled them to expend lots of energy each day moving about, to maintain healthy immune systems, to evolve larger brains and to raise healthy children. They ate sporadically, too. When food was plentiful, they ate more than they needed (and stored the excess as fat). When times were scarce, they survived on fat stores. This random or “non-linear” eating pattern kept their bodies in a constant state of preparedness.
Source-Marks Daily Apple. Check it out!

My workouts are essentially the same, although I have added walking/low level aerobic activity, which is the solid base of the primal blueprint. In fact, I took a day off and hiked up a mountain by myself the other day. Just me and a bottle of water. I need more hill work. I liked it a lot, and it was good to be alone by myself for a while.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Two cool things

Yesterday at the gym, I was working my strength program. When I hit the third group of sets, the guy at the rack next to me looks over and says "Ripptoe, huh"?


I knew he knew what he was doing, because he was doing textbook full squats. Sad to say, I don't see many people doing those in the gym I go to. It turns out he works out at the the Crossfit Black Box here in the city, and is taking the summer off from CF to work on a strength program.

Other cool thing...

I've been tracking my workouts on Evernote these days. I mentioned it to my 22 year old son, and he asked if I could share with him. I was happy to. Now he's created a notebook too, and he's sharing with me. Yesterday he wrote:

Timed 4 Rounds of

400m Run
500m Row Machine

My time was 19:42 I'm pretty sure I beat Dads time, I'm happy about that.

I just looked back at dads time i did beat him, but the machine he was working on gave him so trouble so i did not really beat his time. I also realized that this was dads workout for one day and i mixed strength training into this. no surprise to me my endurance will be higher than his i am 30 years younger

So...it seems as if we have the challenge of the old guy vs. the young guy. I think we'll both be better off for it!

We're also looking to see if we can coordinate working out together some time. It makes me happy that he's actually looking to do some stuff with me! :)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Just after the previous post, I started tracking my workouts and nutrition on an online notebook site. It has all of the benefits of this place, but without the public forum. I guess the public forum isn't really necessary since I have no readers anyway! It's unlikely I'll write here any more.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Fit test today

I performed a fit test to try to calculate my maximum heart rate, which came out to 175. This is pretty close to the aged based formula of 170, but makes little sense compared to my ability to have a decent running pace of 165 on Saturday. I did the test on a treadmill incline, so maybe a heart rate of 165 on an incline isn't equivalent to a HR of 165 when running on a flat surface. I certainly was more winded running on the incline. I did some sprints after the test for a little extra kick to the workout.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Strength plus Metcon

Strength plus metcon

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Bench 3x5 Working sets
Chin-ups 3 sets to failure, kipping
Dips with 25lb weight, 3 sets of 10

Raised weight on the squats this week.

It may be time to reset on the bench and the overhead presses. I couldn't hit the 5 reps. The problem may be mental, but even so, I'm still reaching that reset point anyway.


For time, 21-15-9 reps of

135 lb Deadlifts
24 inch box jump


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Running for metcon

Ran 2.32 miles in 20 minutes. That is an 8:37 pace.

Started with a warm up of about 4 minutes in a 135 heart rate zone. Sped up to about 145-155. Finished with a big part of the run around 165, which seems to be a good zone right now.

In the future, should warm up and then run 20 minutes in the 165 zone.

The age based formula would put my maximum heart rate at 170. This is clearly too low and isn't accurate for me.

To do: Research method for calculating maximum heart rate and calculate mine.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Strength plus metcon

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Pullups-Kipping 3 sets to failure
Overhead Press 3x5 Working sets

Very difficult day today. Failed to hit target reps on bench and overheads.

Two 4 minute Tabata sets

First set burpee pullups

Second set jumping jacks

2 sets 20 pushups

10 strict pullups on squat rack beam

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Rest day today

Lot's of DOMS in my legs, especially the posterior chain. I'll give these old bones a day off today.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Strength Day

Front squats, 3x5 working sets
Deadlifts 5x1 working sets, PR set on rep 4. Attempted to add 20 lbs for set 5, failed. Dropped 10 pounds, failed. Still, a PR is a PR, right?
Power cleans 5x3 working sets

I was struggling with not using my arms to pull in the cleans. I haven't done them heavier for a while. I think I need to drop weight and work back with good form.

No metcon today. It was a heavy day, and I figured I'd leave it at that.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Running day

I received my heart rate monitor, but need to toy with the settings before using it. I ran on the treadmill today, first running two miles in 16:50, which is a bit better than last week. I can do better.

I then alternated one minute of sprint running with one minute of walking for the next 8 minutes. I started one more interval, and felt a bit uncomfortable on the treadmill so I hopped off. It felt like the belt was slipping a bit or something, and I didn't want to end up flying across the gym.

I'm planning on using the monitor for an outside run on Saturday.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Strength day plus metcon

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Chins-strict 3 sets to failure with 25lb dumbbell
Overhead Press 3x5 Working sets
Dips: 3 sets to failure weighted with 25lb dumbbell

Raised weight on squats. Form is very good on squats, going very deep. Overloaded the bar on bench and failed in my first set, hitting the pins on the way up on rep 3. Dumb of me. Overhead presses were challenging today.

Two 4 minute Tabata sets

First set jumping pullups

Second set air squats

Saturday, June 6, 2009


I ran outside pain free today. about 2+ miles in 18 minutes. Then I did a bunch of sprint/walk intervals. I'm looking forward the the heart rate monitor.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Strength day

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Pullups-strict 3 sets to failure
3 sets to failure, 1st weighted with 35lb dumbbell, 2nd & 3rd 40 lb dumbbell

Ran out of time for metcon

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Rest day rambling

I'm in need of finding a bunch of primal eating/paleo recipes. I really want to greatly reduce the amount of grains that I'm eating, and I'm having a tough time figuring out how to assemble complete meals without them. The damned things are such an insidious part of our diets it's ridiculous. I'm confident that I'll be able to easily shave 15 pounds of fat off my body in no time if I stop eating that crap. It looks like I have some homework to do, huh? Fuck yes. I need to give myself an ass spanking and get my nutrition righted. Enough is enough!

Rest day today. I've hit my workouts hard this week. My calve is a bite sore, but in the DOMS way, not the pulled muscle way. That's fine. I'll do the walk home again tonight like I did last week. I think the second day off each week will do me good.

I've been happy with the way my strength is progressing for the most part. That being said, I am bit impatient. Until I hit certain strength levels, I don't want to revert to Crossfit only workouts. I want to do both, but that just isn't realistic....so I'll keep on going with the strength workouts and the metcon as I'm doing it until I've reached my strength goals.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Strength plus metcon

Front squats, 3x5 working sets
Deadlifts 1x5 working set
Overhead Press 3x5 Working sets

For time, 21-15-9 reps of

35lb dumbbell swing
95 lb hang power clean


Grip was giving way on the cleans

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Running day

My running was in two parts today. First, I ran 2 miles in a little under 18 minutes, which is a miserable pace for me. That being said, I was able to run pain free, so that is progress. After that, I alternated 1 minute sprints with 1 minute of walking, going approximately 1.2 miles. Running a relatively steady pace is strange to me. I've been running intervals for the past three years, even when I run a 5k. It makes the run seem as if it goes on forever when I'm running steady pace. I'm looking forward to receiving the heart rate monitor. At a minimum, it will keep my mind occupied a bit during steady pace runs, at least for a while. I'm pretty confident that I'll be able to improve my running pretty quickly, and the monitor will help me get there. I'm still planning on hitting some sprints at the end of every jog. They work far too well for me to give them up.

I need to run

I've been on and off with my running for a long time now. Trying to do metcon work on strength days gives me the opportunity to do running on what would have been just metcon days...without feeling guilty like I'm not doing challenging enough metcon work.

I want to work on getting my running up to speed. I've ordered a heart rate monitor to help me in my quest. While I think the monitor would have little usefulness if I'm sprinting or doing a serious CF metcon, I think it will be helpful for normal running/jogging and perhaps rowing. By trying to keep my heart rate within a particular zone, I would no longer have to worry about pacing my run outside. As my running fitness improves, theoretically I will run faster and longer in the same amount of time by just staying within a certain heart rate zone. That will take care of the pacing for me, and I can track my progress over time. I'd like to maybe even enter a couple 5k runs later on this summer. I've never done something like that before. It could be fun.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Strength day with metcon

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Chins-strict 3 sets to failure
Dips: 3 sets to failure weighted with 25lb dumbbell

Raised weight on squats and bench.

Two 4 minute Tabata sets

First set burpees

Second set jumping pullups

I'm fried.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


I ran 2.25 miles in 20 minutes today. I'm happy that I was finally able to run pain free, but not so happy with my pace. That is painfully slow!

But I ran!

I'll be working on getting my running up to speed.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Strength day

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Pull-ups-strict 3 sets to failure
Overhead Press 3x5 Working sets
Dips: 3 sets to failure, 1st weighted with 35lb dumbbell, 2nd & 3rd 40 lb dumbbell

I raised the weight on the overheads today.

Metcon tomorrow.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Rest day today

I made sure I didn't bring any gym clothes with me...because I don't trust myself!

I've hit legs hard three days in a row, and I know I should rest them today. My plan is to walk home later, which is low intensity and should be fine.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Strength plus metcon

Front squats, 3x5 working sets
Deadlifts 1x5 working set
Farmers walk, 3 sets to failure carrying a pair of 70 lb dumbbells


First four minutes: Tabata Jumping Jacks

Second four minutes: Tabata Box Jumps, 24 inch box

I've been very leg centric this week. Tomorrow is a rest day. If the weather permits, I'll walk home, but no lifting or high intensity.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Strength day

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Chins-kipping 3 sets to failure
Dips: 3 sets to failure weighted with 25lb dumbbell

Quick, efficient workout. Bumped squat weight up.

Monday, May 25, 2009


Due to limited equipment, I made today a metcon workout instead of a strength workout. I did The Bear complex again, for five rounds of five reps. As prescribed, I should have done seven reps per round. Next time. This one is...well...a bear. It involves your body completely from top to bottom. It really is amazing how you run smack into a wall somewhere in the middle of each round. It seems so simple and easy on paper...until you do it. Damned good workout. One rep is:

Power clean into a
front squat followed by a
push press into a
back squat into a
push press

and begin next rep

Friday, May 22, 2009

Strength day

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Pullups-strict 3 sets to failure
Chins-kipping 1 set to failure
Dips: 3 sets to failure, 1st weighted with 35lb dumbbell, 2nd & 3rd 40 lb dumbbell

Tomorrow and Sunday will be rest days. I'm sore all over and badly in need of a couple days off.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Metcon day

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

5 Hang Power Cleans (95#)

10 Knees to Elbows

15 Kettlebell Swings (35#)

I did eight rounds plus the cleans and 2 K2Es in the ninth round.

I did the K2E's on the top bar of a power rack, making them much harder than if I used a pullup bar. It actually messed up the workout, because with my fingers resting on top of the frames instead of around it, my grip started giving out. I was still winded, but not as much as I would have been if my grip held up longer. Damned good workout anyway.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Strength day plus metcon


Front squats, 3x5 working sets
Deadlifts 1x5 working set
Overhead Press, 3x5 working sets


Tabata set of dumbbell swings

Tabata set of burpees

I'm liking the idea of finishing strength workouts with metcon work. It gives me an extra metcon edge. I've been considering having two rest days a week instead of just one. Adding metcon on strength days will give me the peace of mind to do that, and my body gets an extra recovery day. I don't seem to recover as fast at 51 than I did at 21. Go figure.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I rowed a 5k today in around 21 minutes. I'm not sure of the exact time. I screwed up and reset the machine part of the way through.

Good workout.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Strength day plus metcon

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Chins-kipping 3 sets to failure
Dips: 3 sets to failure weighted with 25lb dumbbell

10 reps
Hang power clean into a
front squat followed by a
push press into a
back squat into a
push press

and begin next rep

This is more commonly known as The Bear complex, though I did screw it up a bit. They should have been power cleans, not hang power cleans. No matter. It was a good burst at the end of a workout. Of course, this is quite a bit less than the five rounds of seven reps the bear calls for. Maybe another time.

I reset my squats back about 15% from where I was as I planned to do. I did much better on the bench today than I did last week.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


I decided to try to run again, and after about six minutes I felt the calve and Achilles tendon pull a bit, so I stopped and walked back home. Dammit. I'd really like to be able to get some 5k runs in. I guess I can't force the issue anymore. No running until this thing is healed.

I did two sets of Tabatas. The first was air squats, the second was burpees alternated with jumping pullups. At least I got in some metcon work, despite pulling up lame on the run.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Metcon workout, CF style

I've been pretty lousy about hitting my metcons of late. Today, I decided it was time to step up to the plate.

5 rounds for time of:
1.5 x B/W Deadlift, 10 reps (I used 135lbs, which was just too light. I probably should have gone close to bodyweight)
Box Jump, 21 reps, 24 inch box

My time was 15:11

I did some situps and knees to elbows afterwords for a little extra zing.

I was panting like a dog, but I'm really happy I did this one. I need to get back on board with this type of metcon work.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Strength day

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Pull-ups-strict 3 sets to failure
Overhead Press 3x5 Working sets

Dips: 3 sets to failure, no weight
Chins: 5 reps

I'm rolling back on squats next week. I seem to have lost my mojo on them. It may all be in my head, but I just didn't feel comfortable going down into a deep squat. If the head doesn't believe, the body won't either. Time for a reset on those squats. I'll work my way back and jump over this hurdle. What's a few more weeks among friends, right?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

No workout today

I'm a bit unhappy about it, but circumstances are screwing me over today. I'm thinking I may do some Tabata squats and whatnot tonight, but I'm still pissed about not being able to hit my front squats and deadlifts today. It's not a race...it's not a race. I just need to keep on telling myself that.

Screw it. I'm still grumpy about it!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Metcon day

With the calve feeling about 90%, I decided to give running a try. I was about four minutes in when I could feel the calve going again, so I pulled up. I jumped onto the stationary bike and rode that for twenty minutes, splitting one minute hill intervals with one minute flat intervals. When I was finished, I tried the treadmill again. I wanted to at least try a couple sprints. The leg just isn't ready yet. Hopefully another few days will do it.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Strength Day

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Weighted Overhead Squat 1x9
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Chins-kipping 3 sets to failure
Overhead Press 3x5 Working sets
Dips: 3 sets to failure weighted with 25lb dumbbell

I raised weight on the bench, but I did miss a rep on my second and third sets, which I made up after a brief rest. I knew last Thursday that I was ready to go up in weight...but it didn't show today. Perhaps my eating the past three days affected me more than I thought it would. Not that my eating was all that bad. I just ate too little, or should I say too infrequently. It may be time to roll back the weight 10-15% on the squats and work back up again, raising the weight each week. I've been struggling and stuck at this weight for a couple weeks right now. It isn't a race...I can take my time and take a step back so I can move forward. Well...I'll wait until Friday and see what happens then. If I still struggle, I'll roll back.

A few days off

I'm back from a well deserved three days rest today. I was starting to feel a bit run down last week. I was sore all over, and I knew my body needed a bit of rest....so for once I listened. In fact, I spent a fair amount of time on Friday laying around. I really needed that in the worst possible way. I do not do that anywhere near often enough.

Anyway, I kept the rest going through the weekend, and today I'm ready to hit the iron again. I'm hopeful I'll be able to run a bit tomorrow.

More later.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Strength day

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Pullups-Strict, then finish the sets kipping, 3 sets to failure
Dips: 3 sets to failure, all sets weighted with 40lbs

It's amazing how I can really feel soreness in my abs from doing the front squats yesterday. I've read that about them...and it certainly seems to be true.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Strength Day

Front squats, 3x5 working sets
Deadlifts 1x5 working set
Overhead Press, 3x5 working sets
Farmers walk, 3 sets to failure carrying a pair of 70 lb dumbbells

I raised the weight this week on the deads and the presses.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Metcon day

I decided to row today, mostly because the calve is still tight and sore. I decided to see how far I could row in twenty minutes, alternating 250m sprints with 250m slower recovery periods. I started with a 500m warmup, then moved right into the first 250m sprint. I had the damper setting on 1 for the first ten minutes, and moved it up to ten for the last 10 minutes. I hit 4,560m at the twenty minute mark. That seems a bit slower than my best 5k row time, but I usually have the damper set at a 10 for the entire 5k, so it's hard to compare.

Good workout anyway. I'm glad I didn't let the calve pain turn into an excuse.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Strength day

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Weighted Overhead Squat 1x5
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Chins-Strict, then finish the sets kipping, 3 sets to failure
Dips: 3 sets to failure, all sets weighted with 25lbs

My squat form was sloppy as hell. My right calve is still stiff, and my body was countering by trying to force more effort onto my left leg. Of course, I keep my weight on my heels while squatting, but the damned calve still objected. I got through the workout anyway, but I didn't do any Tabata metcon stuff after lifting.

I did not feel very strong today. I actually think I've eaten too little over the past several days, and not always quality food. How I perform really is affected by what I eat!


Saturday I ran about 1.5 miles at a bit over an 8 minute pace using the POSE method...or at least trying to. I ran in my Chucks. I had to stop because my calve cramped the fuck up. It still hurts several days later. I need to loosen it up. I've read that could happen while learning POSE until your calves are accustomed to bearing the brunt of your footfalls. Okay. Now I'd like that chapter finished so I can move on. Thank you.

I also did two Tabata rounds. The first was squats, and the second was 35lb kettle bell swings. Those were a lot tougher than I thought they'd be.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Strength Day

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Weighted Overhead Squat 1x5
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Pullups-Strict 3 sets to failure
Overhead Press 3x5 Working sets
Dips: 3 sets to failure 1st & second set 35 lb weighted, 3rd set 40 lb weighted

I was wiped at the end of this workout, so I didn't do any Tabata stuff today. I need to catch up on a bit of sleep this weekend if I can.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Rest day today

I'll take a good brisk 45 minute walk later. My legs are beat up. I've decided to be smart and listen to my body...with a little help anyway!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Strength day plus Tabata

Front squats, 3x5 working sets
Deadlifts 1x5 working set
Farmers walk, 3 sets to failure carrying a pair of 70 lb dumbbells

Tabata sets (Eight rounds of 20 seconds work/10 seconds rest)
1st Jumping Jacks
2nd High Knees running in place

I've decided to add some sort of short metcon work the the tail end of my workouts on most strength days. This is part of my plan to increase my metcon capacity, and to also attack some of the fat I've gained.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Torturous Twenty-fives

I decided to do 20 minutes of metcon today or finish the Torturous Twenty-fives (Half of the Filthy Fifties), whichever came first. The plan:

25 Box jump, 24 inch box
25 Jumping pull-ups
25 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 25 steps
25 Knees to elbows
25 Push press, 45 pounds
25 Back extensions
25 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
25 Burpees
25 Double unders

I substituted a 14 pound ball for the 20 pound ball, because it was the heaviest the gym had. I was also going to do tuck jumps instead of Double unders, because I can't jump rope worth a damn. It wasn't necessary. I hit the 20 minute mark at my 20th burpee. When I stopped, I felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest and run away.

I know that I've been putting a lot of effort into strength training as of late. I also think that the combination of the extra weight I'm carrying and the effect of some medication I'm taking is having an adverse effect on my metcon work. That being said, I'm going to come up with a handful of baseline metcon workouts that I can rotate through my workouts so that I can build some endurance and get myself back to a respectable spot with my metcon work. I wish I knew how much of what I've lost has to do with the medication. The weight? I'll see. I'm going to shed the fat portion of the excess weight I've gained, and I'll see what that does to my metcon. It's frustrating as all hell is all I can say...but I'm just going to keep moving forward in spite of what I see as a bit of a setback. I'll accept nothing less from myself.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Strength Day

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Weighted Overhead Squat 1x5
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Chins-Kipping 3 sets to failure
Overhead Press 3x5 Working sets
Dips: 3 sets to failure 1st unweighted, 2nd 20 lb weighted and 3rd 25 lb weighted

Increased weight on the squats, bench, and overhead press. Did more reps on the chins than I have been doing.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Barefoot sprinting

I did some quarter mile runs on the track while barefoot. Then I did a bunch of 100 yard sprints in the grass.

Shit, have I gotten slow. Damn. I'm going to sprint more often to improve that. I need to.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Strength Day

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Weighted Overhead Squat 1x5
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Pull-ups kipping 3 sets to failure
Dips: 3 sets to failure, weighted with an additional 30 lbs first set, 35 lbs second set, 40 pounds 3rd set

Overheads continue to prove challenging for me.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Metcon day

Today I rowed a 2500m, alternating one minute of sprints with one minute of moderate rowing. When I finished, I alternated one minute of inclined walking with one minute of inclined running, raising the incline every cycle. I finished with a 10mph sprint. The total time was about 22 minutes.

Good workout today!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Strength Day

Front squats, 3x5 working sets
Deadlifts 1x5 working set
Heavy Deadlifts 3x1 sets
Overhead Press 3x5 Working sets
Farmers walk, 3 sets to failure carrying a pair of 70 lb dumbbells

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Failed Michael

For today's workout, I chose to do a Crossfit workout named Michael.

Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups

My record time for Michael is 23:42. I was on about a 27:00 minute pace in my second round when I started getting some dizziness near the end of the back extensions. The dizziness continued while I was doing the sit ups, so I stopped at the point. I did run the last half mile, but I wasn't happy. Every once in a while, I have an issue with my inner ear that causes some dizziness like this. It usually occurs when I get some sinus congestion from a cold or hay fever, and do something like the back extensions. Anyway, I was quite displeased that i had to pull up and stop....and even more displeased that my pace was so far off my PR.

I know I've been more focused on strength training and that I've gained weight. The combination of those two things has adversely affected my runs. The strength training isn't going to change for now. I'm making gains and want that to continue. The weighht...that i need to work on. It's all in the diet. I need to stop saying I need to fix it, and just fix it already!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Strength Day

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Weighted Overhead Squat 1x5
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Chins-Kipping 3 sets to failure
Dips: 3 sets to failure 1st unweighted, 2nd 20 lb weighted and 3rd 25 lb weighted

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Strength day

Front squats, 3x5 working sets
Deadlifts 1x5 working set
Power clean 5x3 working sets
Knees to elbows 3 sets

I missed on one attempt of power clean. My wrist is a bit sore right now.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hill running

Today I decided to do a bit of "hill" running on the treadmill. I worked intervals like this:

Minute 1: Walk 4 mph at a 2 degree incline
Minute 2: Run 7 mph at a 2 degree incline
Minute 3: Walk 4 mph at a 3 degree incline
Minute 4: Run 7 mph at a 3 degree incline
Minute 5: Walk 4 mph at a 4 degree incline
Minute 6: Run 7 mph at a 4 degree incline
Minute 7: Walk 4 mph at a 5 degree incline
Minute 8: Run 7 mph at a 5 degree incline
Minute 9: Walk 4 mph at a 6 degree incline
Minute 10: Run 7 mph at a 6 degree incline
Minute 11: Walk 4 mph at a 7 degree incline
Minute 12: Run 7 mph at a 7 degree incline
Minute 13: Walk 4 mph at a 8 degree incline
Minute 14: Run 7 mph at a 8 degree incline
Minute 15: Walk 4 mph at a 9 degree incline
Minute 16: Run 7 mph at a 9 degree incline
Minute 17: Walk 4 mph at a 10 degree incline
Minute 18: Run 7 mph at a 10 degree incline
Minute 19: Walk 4 mph at a 2 degree incline
Minute 20: Run 11 mph at a 2 degree incline
Minute 21: Walk 4 mph at a 2 degree incline
Minute 22: Run 11.5 mph at a 2 degree incline

I liked this workout. It reminds me of some progressive Crossfit workouts. My legs actually feel good after running the hills.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Strength Day

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Weighted Overhead Squat 1x5
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Chins-Kipping 3 sets to failure
Overhead Press 3x5 Working sets
Dips: 3 sets to failure 1st 20lb weighted, snd and 3rd 25 lb weighted

I raised weight on the squats and overhead press today.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Run/squat torture

My workout today was supposed to be:

Four rounds for time

Run 400m
50 squats

I was running outside today for the first time in a while. My first run came in at a little bit under four minutes. What??? for 400m???

It turns out that this circuit in my neighborhood is actually closer to 800m, not 400m. My guess is that it falls between 750-800m. I'll call it 750. I haven't run it since sometime last year, so I remembered the distance quite incorrectly.

Anyway, my time was 25:21. Phew. Still like to improve on that, though.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Strength Day

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Weighted Overhead Squat 1x5
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Pull-ups Strict 3 sets to failure
Dips: 3 sets to failure, weighted with an additional 30 lbs

I raised weight on the bench today, and felt more comfortable with the overhead squats.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Running day today

I ran a 5k in 26:20 today. It was a non-HIIT run.

I need a plan to improve my time. My time was for shit today.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Strength day Madness including WOD

I decided to combine/alter my Wednesday strength day workout with yesterday's WOD on the main CF site. The workout went like this:

Front Squats, 3x5 working sets
Overhead press, 5x1 working sets
Push Press 5x3 sets
Push Jerk 5x5 sets
Deadlift 1x5 working sets
Power Clean 5x3 working sets

I'm fried, especially my shoulders, traps and rhomboids. I'd never tried the push jerk before, so I used a moderate weight and concentrated on form. I earned my stripes today!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Metcon day

I rowed a 5k today in 20:45. I've done better, and I could have done worse. My legs are pretty sore after Saturday's workout, especially my calves. It was a good workout all in all.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Strength Day Thoughts

First-the workout:

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Weighted Overhead Squat 1x5
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Chins-Kipping 4 sets to failure
Dips: 3 sets of 10, 1st with no weight, second with an extra 20lbs, third an extra 25lbs

I worked hard today. Good workout!

One of the things I love about Crossfit style workouts and exercises is that they expose your weaknesses. Not strong enough? Too little flexibility or mobility? Muscle imbalances? Not as metabolically fit as you'd like? All will be exposed.

I have wasted countless hours in gyms over the years working on exercises that have limited value to my overall strength, cardiovascular capacity, health and well being. I used to be really impressed with my ability to curl a barbell or do some nice heavy "(quarter or half) squats" or leg presses. Today, I don't worry about bicep or tricep work. They get more than enough work from the compound movements I perform. Normal gym routines and equipment give you what I like to call gym strength. Take the leg press for example. I've seen people do leg presses with fairly high weight in the gym. Load up a third of that weight on a barbell and stick them underneath it, and they would literally be crushed. What's the point? You create muscle imbalances and ignore all of the core structural muscles....and no...you're not going to take care of that balancing a tray on a bosu ball.

Take overhead squats as an example. I struggle with them. I sit at a desk all day long. I need more flexibility in my posterior chain. Sitting like that doesn't help my posture either. When you work the overheads, all of this is immediately apparent. Understanding your weaknesses is the first step to making them strengths. Thank you, Crossfit, for showing the way.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Tabata This

Tabata Intervals ( 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest repeated 8 times) for the following exercises:

Overhead Squat (with PVC Pipe)
Turkish getups with 35lb kettle bell
Jumping pull-ups on rings
High knees running in place

Use a one minute rotation break between exercises.

I did not count reps, but probably should have. This probably wasn’t the best choice of exercises for a Tabata, but it was a good workout anyway.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Strength day

I figured that I'd be hurting after this one today. A night of drinking and too little sleep all week should have taken it's toll on me. To my surprise, I feel 100% better now that I've done my workout than I did before it. Go figure.

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Pullups (Strict form) 3 sets to failure
Overhead Press 3x5 Working sets
Dips: 3 sets with 30lbs of extra weight
1 set of 10 reverse pullups

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Cardio day-running

I did a twenty minute HIIT run today, and walked for a couple minutes before and after. I had to pause for a breather once. Running is getting a bit better, but I'm nowhere near pacing close to my 5k PR. Oh well. I'll keep my sorry ass at it.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Strength day today

Strength Day today.

Warmup, then

Front Squats: 3x5 warmup sets, 3x5 working sets
Deadlifts: 2x5 warmup sets, 1x5 working set
Power Cleans: 5x3 working sets

And you can see proof of it being deadlift day in the picture!

It's time for action, dontcha think?

My weight this morning was 220 lbs. My last weigh in was 216.8. From that it seems like I'm going backwards. I do think that my 216.8 was not my peak weight, and I can visually see that the love handles appear to be a bit smaller than they were, so I'm not that upset about it.

All that being said, it it past time for me to get my food house in order. I need to plan my meals and start cooking and bringing food with me. Take out and ordering in is screwing me up on so many levels. Hopefully the scale today will be my wake up call.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Metcon Hell

I was a bit sore in the upper body today, and I thought I'd run a 5k. I did a little warm-up run and decided I really didn't want to do the 5k today. I wanted a more intense workout, so I went with this.

Four rounds for time:

Run 400m
Row 500m

No rest between rounds

I finished this in a bit of a disappointing 19:47...but I was wiped by the end of it.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Strength Day

Wow. I'm tired in that really good I worked my ass off way. I raised my weight on both squats and bench press today. The workout went like this:

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Chins (Strict form) 3 sets to failure
Overhead Press 3x5 Working sets
Dips: 3 sets of 10, one with no weight, one with 20lbs, one with 25lbs.

I'm pleased with my effort today.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Metcon day

I did this one today in 27:26

Three rounds of:

Jumping Jacks - 60 reps

Spiderman Push-ups - 10 each side

Walking Lunges - 15 each side

Spiderman Climb - 10 each side

Wall Squat Hold - 45 seconds

Plank Hold - 60 seconds

Burpees - 5 reps

Running High Knees - 25 each side

Also walked at the beach for about an hour earlier today.

It was a lot tougher than it sounds. Thankfully tomorrow is a rest day!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Strength Workout today

Squat 3x5 Working sets
Bench press 3x5 Working sets
Pull-ups (Strict form):

With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.

Use as many sets each minute as needed.

I did seven rounds and four pullups in the eighth. That compares pretty miserably with the nine plus four I did last July.

Dips: 3 sets of 10, one with no weight, one with 20lbs, one with 25lbs.

Oh...and the picture is what my shins look like every time I do deadlifts. I'd better come up with a solution for that.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Enjoy your workout!

Every day I go into the gym, the person at the desk says that to me.

"Enjoy your workout."

Today was running day. I most definitely did NOT enjoy my workout. In fact, I rarely do. I mean...I enjoy the sense of accomplishment of bettering my time or volume or raising the weight I'm using. I enjoy the knowledge that I pushed myself through a hard set of squats or deads, or pushed myself through a wall on a metcon workout.

But I really don't enjoy it when I'm going through the hell I put myself through. I assure you....If I did, I'd be doing it wrong.

Today's workout:

I did my own spin on the main site WOD.

After a warmup jog, I ran eight 400m sprints separated by one and a half-two minutes of walking at four mph. Man...did that suck!

I haven't done much running since early November, so I have a way to go to get back to where I was. It was a start, anyway.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Strength Day Today

3 sets of 5 Front Squats
3 sets of 5 Overhead Press
5 sets of 3 Power Clean
1 set of 5 Deadlifts

I tore up my chin doing the cleans and deadlifts. Just like old times.


I should have goals, shouldn't I?

I have a strength plan in place. I have a metcon plan in place as well.

I'm going to put a lot of focus on my lower body. This has been my weakest area. I read something the other day about how weak the posterior chain is on most Americans. The same can be said for trunk strength. It's true. I'm going to gradually and consistently build strength by performing proper back squats, front squats, overhead squats, deadlifts, and an assortment of Olympic lifts. Yes...I will continue bench press and overhead press and dips and pullups and chins....but I am going to focus quite a bit on getting my core strength and posterior chain where it should be.

I have a core group of exercises, and will raise the weight every one-two weeks while maintaining proper form. This is a bastardized form of Ripptoe's Starting Strength program. I'm curious to see how far I can go. Stay tuned....

Kick me in the ass...please

I've had nearly five months of fits and starts and various ailments that helped to derail my progress. I've worked out when I can, and have been doing reasonably well with that. My eating, on the other hand, has gone to shit. It is showing up both around my waist and on the scale. I know I'm the one that has to motivate myself, but please don't hesitate to kick my backside a time or two if you notice me slipping up.

The time for action is now.

Monday, February 23, 2009

I never thought I was

but I guess I am....at least a little.

I guess I have the smallest bit of being an emotional eater in me.

I was pissed a bit the other night. I picked. A small bag of Sun Chips. A small bag of cookies. A small bag of Doritos. Some other stuff I guess.

I've been eating like shit for far too long now. It's showing up on my body. I'm getting sick. I hadn't gotten sick at all when I was eating right.

I need to do more than just get pissed about it.

I need to address the issues...and I need to get my shit together with eating. It will be good for me and good for my kids.





Sunday, February 15, 2009

The camera doesn't lie

Sad, but true. It's funny how the mirror can lie...or at least your mind allows it to.

But the camera....looking at pictures of yourself...damn.

I really thought I didn't look like a 51 year old guy who's gone a little soft.

I was kidding myself.

It's up to me to change that.

Ice cream sundaes and cheeseburgers aren't going to help.

If that's the outside, WTF is going on inside.

I'm playing with fire. Time to put it out.