Thursday, July 24, 2008

Fran and I got it on today!

I had planned on running four 800m splits sandwiched between 2 minute rest intervals today, but then I saw Fran come up as the WOD. Fool that I am, I actually thought that I'd do Fran first, then do my running anyway....all this the day after I had a good leg workout.

Fran is:

Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
95 pound Thruster

So...I took a deep breath and started with Fran. My only previous time was 9:22 on March 31st. I maintained a decent pace, breaking a few sets up a bit to catch my breath. When I finished, I saw that I came in at 8:20, more than a minute better than my last Fran. Of course I'm pleased with that, but of course I'd like to do much better. I'd like to do Fran with no stopping at all.

I've often wondered whether it's better to use the RXed weight and break sets up, or try to use a weight that allows me to continue without stopping and post a better time. I found this on Crossfit BrandX:

Fran done well is a 3-5 minute workout. This time try choosing a weight that will let you do the workout with good form in that time. Be warned, the difference between sub 5 and sub 3 in metabolic cost is enormous.
(usually intermediate weights are 65-75# for men, and 35-45# for women)

And also this:
Fran is intended as a high power output workout. I have heard Coach Glassman say that the workout is intended to be done as a flat out burst of power. Sure, everyone should aim for the RX’d weight but if you can’t go at a sprint, whether that means you take 6-7 minutes or 3-5 minutes, then try bringing the weight down and getting your time down before tackling the big weights.

I am pretty sure this is a faster way to a fast RX’d weight than the other way around. Because it seems to be more efficient (in my experience) to develop metabolic capacity and move up weight gradually than to start with RX’d weight first and increase your metabolic capacity in a short time. that the answer? I don't know. I'm trying to build strength AND metcon capacity. Maybe I'll alternate between the two, back and forth, so I can get some benefit of both.

Anyway, I got onto the treadmill after resting for a few minutes. I started to laugh at myself. I actually thought I was going to run with Fran and then run four 3:10 800m splits. I was halfway into the first one and realized I was being foolish. I shut it down. Okay, I did some situps, K2E and bicycles because it was time for some solid ab work, but I did have the sense to listen to my body. It wasn't laziness. I knew I didn't have it in me. No sense breaking down and getting sick right before a vacation, right?


Diarist said...

I've really struggled with my fran times because I lifted heavy..

Its very very hard sadly but you did good, and well, I'm doing it tomorrow. Heck I feel bad I didn't do it today!

Kelly said...

I would say have a go at doing it at a lighter weight, it is supposed to be a fast w.o

Keep a note of your time. Then work up the rxd weight.