Thursday, July 10, 2008

I really thought about it

I thought about running the 10k that's the CF WOD today. Even though I've never run a 10k, I thought about it until I was about 8 minutes into my HIIT run today. I was just going to keep on running the inetrvals until I hit the 10k. I realized that doing this after a leg day wasn't the smartest thing in the world. Actually, I've been pretty tough on my legs all week, so I just ran the normal HIIT. When I finished, I walked a bit, then set the treadmill onto max incline and ran 4-30 second intervals on the max incline, resting 30 seconds between intervals. I increased the speed each interval. I'd like to do hill training more often. I could use it.

So...even though I didn't run the 10...I'm happy with my workout.

1 comment:

Diarist said...

Hmm..10k I saw that.

I doing it on Saturday. My first 10k, I was 'gobsmacked' when I saw the workout this morning.

I did the Angie workout instead. I found it OK to be honest just the pull ups were tough. My forearms felt weak after 2 days of cleans, jerks and snatches.