Thursday, July 17, 2008

Why do I always do these after leg days?

With my legs a bit sore from yesterdays workout, I decided to do the CF WOD from a few days ago. The workout was:

Monday 080714

Four rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
50 Squats

I came it at 16:38. I was okay with my time, until I started looking at the times posted on the CF site. Damn, I have some work to do. I wonder if I really push myself as hard as I should when doing these. I think I do, but...could I shave 30 seconds off? Probably. 60 seconds? Hmmm. I don't know. More? I guess that raises the question of whether it's better to work out at an affiliate than on your own. For me, it might depend upon the day and who I'm competing against. Anyway, I'm going to focus more on making sure I am leaving nothing on the table when I'm finished. I've come a long way, but the road stretches out far before me still.

BTW...I did some some 30 second hill sprints after this workout. I want to do those at least once a week.


Diarist said...

I look at the times posted on crossfit and feel shame.

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. I can make excuses, or try to do something about it. My mind is set on doing something about it.