Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Rubber legs

I worked my legs today. Hard. I did BB squats, BB deadlifts, weighted walking lunges. When I was all finished, I decided to do a set of Tabata squats for four minutes. I ended up doing 107 reps, as opposed to the 93 I did on June 18th. I don't know that I really gained all that much. As I mentioned yesterday, when you have a target number, you perform better trying to beat it than just doing it with no target in mind. Next time, I'll see how much progress I've made.

I toyed with doing the CF Total that was the WOD today. I decided against it. I'm still trying to perfect my form on squats and deads, and don't want to risk hurting myself by lapsing into bad form. Next time I'll give it a go.

With me form getting close, I'm going to start raising the weight every 1-2 weeks on these exercises. If I raise the weight five pounds every other week, that gives me a 130 pound bump in a year. I'll take that.


Diarist said...

There seems to be a never ending supply of leg exercises on cf.

I didn't do the 'angie' workout tonight as I left my notebook at home!

Instead though I practised my lifts. I experimented with different weights on the C&J. Upped it to 40kgs and then I had a go at the snatch as I've not done that before.
That is one tough exercise, my knee was giving me some grief by the end.

Anonymous said...

True about the leg exercises. It makes sense when you think about it. So much of our power comes from the legs and from the ground up. Heavy squats and deads also help to release testosterone into your bloodstream, which helps with strength gains.

I wanted to hit some overhead squats and ran out of time. I need to work on them badly.