Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Starting the day right

I was very tempted to roll over and go back to sleep when the alarm went off today. My schedule has been a bit wonky lately, and I've been using it as an excuse to shortchange myself on my workouts here and there.
"I'll figure out when I'll do it later." That has been my thought process each time I stay in bed instead of getting up. Guess what? Later hasn't been happening. That leads to me screwing up my eating, even though it shouldn't.

I refused to allow myself to fall into that trap today. I got up, went to the gym, did a moderate speed HIIT on the treadmill, and did some good ab work. I'd rather run later in the day if I can. It's tough pushing myself really hard when my body is still sleeping. Too bad. I need to get my workouts in when I can. If that's early, that's the way it is.

That was a good start today, on top of a clean eating day yesterday. Back to basics for me.


Diarist said...

You must be on tracker surely?

(unclejake is my name on there)

I'm a recent convert to crossfit too. Small world eh?

Diarist said...

I know what you mean about tracker, I'm getting mighty tired of it recently.

I've done nothing but cf for 5 weeks. I've just sought out a CF trainer near my neighbourhood (well 40 miles away) for some coaching on the olympic lifts and some of the gymnastic moves.

I really don't want to go back to body building. The idea of a bicep curl or a leg extension seems crazy now!

Just a BFLer said...

I know. But I have to admit...once in a while I do 2-3 sets of curls. Old habits die hard. I will say is that i curl a lot more now than before. That says something about CF, doesn't it?

Diarist said...

Dang...I secretly miss the arm workouts..

WpgGirl said...

Good job on getting up out of bed Bob.