Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Am I a phony?

I was thinking about this today. Am I a Crossfit phony? I mean, I do some of the workouts, and I try to eat Zone/Paleo friendly. But do I DO Crossfit? I mean, I go to other blogs and people are hitting the WOD every day, posting times and making progress.

Me? I do a workout here, some lifting there, some running there. Sometimes I make up my own workouts that seem like a CF workout.

Okay...mentally...I'm there with Crossfit. Starting this September, I move onto a blend of Ripptoe Starting Strength workouts and CF workouts. Now, I could jump entirely into CF, but I want to build strength first, and I want to work on some of the CF elements before I go over entirely.

I was working squats and deadlifts today. My weight is just entirely too low in these exercises. I know that I've intentionally held myself back on these as I've developed my form. Now, it's time to work that weight up.

Handstand pushups? Need to work on them.

Overhead squats. Damned things torture me.

Muscleups? I don't know. I haven't tried them. I've been reluctant to try with the bad shoulder.

The SS programs I'll be using will have me doing less lifting than I do right now, but will force progression in terms of weight used. This will give me the opportunity to add some elements work that is sorely needed. I need to balance out the what and when of the CF workouts too. I don't want to be doing heavy leg work two or three consecutive days, or I'll defeat the purpose of what I'm doing.

So...I may not be there yet..but I'm coming. Look over your shoulder, 'cause I'm on the way!

1 comment:

georgia said...

One of the beautiful things about Crossfit is it can (and should) be scaled to fit the athlete. Modification! Don't make excuses as to why you haven't started really, truly Crossfitting yet. Just Do It!!! You'll be so happy you did :)