Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I'll be doubling up tomorrow

I missed my workout today due to something much more important that I was tending to....and I'm not sorry.

The more I read about IF and The Primal Blueprint, the more it makes sense to me, and the more interesting it gets. I'm going to remove all but a very small portion of grains/starches from my diet. I'll get my carbs mostly from fruits and vegetables. I know I'm doing something a bit dumb here. I should IF or eliminate these nasty carbs one at a time, so I can figure out what effect each of them has. By doing them both at the same time, I won't know whether it's one or the other, or the combination only that works. Oh well. I'm doing it anyway. I've been known to do a stupid thing or two on occasion.


Katie said...

I would really advise doing one at a time... not just because you won't know if it's one or the other, but because you're going to wreak havoc on yourself. Your body is going to have a rough time adjusting I think.

Diarist said...

Its a fascinating experiment nonetheless.

Thing is, early humans didn't live very long did they?

But then again they didn't really have any science or I'll just get my coat.

Anonymous said...


I'm a pretty resilient bugger. Besides, I always figure that it's better to just deal with the pain all at once rather than piecemeal. Don't quote me on that if I end up starting a riot or something!

Wigan...I guess not. Of course, they had no shelter and had large carnivores preying on them. We seem to have worked that out a bit these days. A lot of what I've read about it seems to indicate that lifespan was determined by factors other than nutrition. Here's an interesting article for you: