Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I was tired as hell

by the time I got halfway into my workout. Could it be the residual effects of yesterdays fast? Could it be that I hadn't eaten enough yet today? I've had that happen to me in the past. I had Western egg beaters and whole wheat toast for breakfast, and cottage cheese mixed with yogurt for a snack. I'm long since past keeping a food journal, but maybe I'll do a mini version for a couple of weeks to see if I can change things up and identify trends. I'm thinking of going IF on Monday and Thursdays.

Oh...I hear you Wigan. I also enjoy eating, and I do it six times a day. never know how something will work if you don't try. If it does work out, it will be nice to not drive myself crazy about missing meals on days that are really hectic. Anyway, I'd think IF would be easy for you Brits! You're not known for your food, now are you!! ;-p

Speaking of food, I came across this blog recently. The writer is some nurse that writes about a bunch of different topics. Sometimes she has a point. Others, like today's post, she seems to have either no point or she seems to imply something ridiculous, or she doesn't connect the dots to what may be a logical conclusion, potentially leading the reader to the wrong one. Why do I bring it up? No good reason, other than she pisses me off. Biggest reason? She allows no comments. Sure...if you dig you can find a way to contact her, but I view blogs as a place of interaction. I think people stumbling into her blog should have the opportunity to see another viewpoint. I'm guessing that she may have had comments active at one point, but was probably made to look foolish on so many occasions, she turned them off. By the way, check out her credentials....A nurse and certified childcare professional. Now...there's nothing wrong with these...they are worthy professions...but it hardly makes her an expert on nutrition and health.

One last thing....There's some new "club" near my office that keeps on handing out crap promoting their business. They keep on repeating the mantra...lose your gym. join a club. Little do they know they are speaking a curse word to me...even though I do use a globo gym. I know. I know. It's okay though. I can get in 95% of the CF workouts there, so it works for me. (They only thing they don't have is rings and the proper weight wallball.) I also have the flexibility of using different locations, which is impoprtant to me. But really. Join a club. Sheesh. Do people want to hang out and bullshit, or train? Don't answer. I already know.


Diarist said...

The food over here isn't the best this is true.

My wife and I rarely eat out as the quality is terrible and my wife is a great cook. I'm not bad myself as long as you like your arteries clogged.

As for the nurse blog..well. I'm really not clear on what she advocates. She' clearly not into fat bashing, but I hardly see any soloutions being offered.

Also, she's a wimp for not allowing comments on her blog!

Katie said...

Fasting is tricky, and if you're going to do it, it may take your body a few test runs to get used to it. As for the nurse, that's an interesting thing that you have stumbled upon. I do agree though that part of blogging is the comments. Half the time I think that's where the real fun on my page is! :)

WpgGirl said...

Fasting - wow....I can't imagine going a day without food.....that's amazing's it going?

Just a BFLer said...

I've only done it one day so far. I had a rough spot, but it really wasn't that bad.

I think it helps going dinner to dinner. That way, you never go one waking day without eating. I think it's mentally easier for me to do it that way.

I'm going for twice a week, and I'll see what effect, if any, it has on my performance and fitness.