Thursday, August 21, 2008

I feel lean and mean

I've been limiting carbs for two days now, and I feel lean. Okay, I know it's a bit silly to think I'm going to have immediate results, but it is how I feel. At least initially, I won't be eliminating all grains/carbs enitrely. I do need to live in teh real world, you know. I'm not going to say I'll never have a bowl of macaroni or oatmeal or rice or a baked potato or an ice cream cone. That just isn't realistic. What I will do is limit these things dramatically. I will rely on most of my carbs coming from fruits and vegetables. I'm sure it will take a bit of adjusting too but I'll get there.

I've been weight training on and off for over twenty some years. I've come close to having the physique I'd like, but have never really gotten over that last five or ten percent of stubborn belly or love handle fat. Some would say that I'm bordering on exceptional fitness for a man of fifty, and that I'm nuts. As I've written before, I will not accept that kind of excuse from myself. Age is NOT a limiting factor as far as I'm concerned. Many people blame age for destroying their bodies, when age has nothing to do with it. Anyway, having gotten serious again about three years ago with the BFL program and now morphing into a modified CF routine, I still seem to be unable to get over the top with this. I know part of it is that I have the occasional food breakdown on weekends or on vacations. But I think the real culprit is excessive carb intake...and carb intake of the wrong kinds.

Don't get me wrong. The biggest reason for what I do is health based, not image based. I have made significant improvements in my health, and I plan to continue to do so. I also want to be able to maintain a high level of perfomance. Of course, there is a strong correlation between these things...and improving in one area often helps improvement in another.

Here's one more bit of reading about the Paleo diet. I encourage you to read it. You'll actually think twice before sticking another hunk of bread in your mouth.

I'll be strength training today...and I'm looking forward to it. Tomorrow will be fast day again.


Kelly said...

Hi Bob !

Just catching up with your blog. You are doing great!

Im looking forward to reading about your new diet, cutting starchy carbs is something i have thought about but not acutally done.

Diarist said...

Its put me off eating raw potatoes thats for sure!

Brian said...

I wish I were disciplined enough to get my carbs almost all from fruits and vegetables. I believe that's the best way. Good luck on the diet.

So how are your workouts on your fasting days? I'm still fasting once a week, but I haven't worked out on a fast day, simply because I'm just totally out of energy.

Also - I had no idea you were 50! I assumed you were in your 20's or early 30's by the workouts and things you do.

Anonymous said...


I've only done the fasting a few times so far, so I'll have to see how it goes. I lifted on Monday, and I was fine. I was feeling a bit tired before dinner, but all in all it's going well. I would have fasted today, except I knew I was doubling up my lifting. I'll fast starting after dinner tonight until dinner tomorrow. As far as the 50 thing...I don't look 50, I don't act 50, and I'm not going to use 50 as an excuse for anything. I like thinking about how most people my age are declining, and I'm growing faster and stronger and more fit each day!